okay so recently i have gotten all of the wayfinder gear (robe, boots, and hat) and i am trying to decided if i should use that or the grand gear i already have. the wayfinder gear gives me 250 more health, but it doesnt have the big boosts on defense, attack, and fizzle rate that my grand gear has. so which gear do all of you think is better?
Ten percent defense is like 200 points health when you have 2000 health points. Extra damage is also like having extra health as you get attacks off of you sooner rather than later. Same can be said for targeting percent and the like. You can go with the wayfinder gear, but those with grand gear are probably going to be walking all over you as 250 pounts more health is meaningless when to someone such as a storm player it means merely one power pip more damage to kill you.
That depends. Do you useully get defeated in battle? If you do, go with the wayfinder gear. If you useully don't get defeated, go with the grand gear. Hope this helps. From, Melissa Greenrunner level 22 school of life P.S. Sorry if I spelled stuff wrong
It depends, if you need to boost your school damage or get more health. Or you can mix and match different parts of each set depending on what you need to do.