I am working on my fourth wizard and this go around I am working very hard to get every badge possible. I worked very hard on Krokotopia and I have the Junior archaeologist badge the krokosphynx delver badge and the Tomb Raider badge and I have gone throughout the oasis looking to see if I had missed any quests I have done the beetle quest, all library quests, the quest from the guy at the desk shop, the quest from the guy in the spiral door room. I have gone to see if I had missed any in every store including the secret shop and nothing. I want my Hero of the Oasis badge I worked very hard for it. Could you please look into this KI. Thanks
Brandon Daybringer lvl30 life wizard *This is the wizard I am working on* Sean Hexstalker Lvl48 Death wizard Isaiah Swift lvl50 Storm wizard Aiden Star lvl42 Balance wizard
I'm assuming that you've done the Beguiler. You should check the Deck shop in Krokotopia to see if the merchant there has something for you to do.
It's also possible that a quest got sidetracked. You might want to check the professors in Ravenwood and also the Amulet shopkeeper in Wizard City to see if they need anything.
I've heard that the badge is sometimes bugged. In any case, you'll be better off submitting a ticket to Support than asking them in the forum.