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Fizzle has gotten rediculous

Jan 17, 2010
Have your ever seen a blade fizzle? or a shield? well, i saw a death flurry, and fireblade, a wyldfire, and a sprite fizzle, (they had a life accuracy on it, what the heck?) Love, Princess Michelle SummerSong

Aug 01, 2009
death is even fizzling more which is kinda annoying at times, b/c we were supposed to have good fizzle rates- not no more we don't.

Dec 08, 2009
I have been playing for over a year now and the fizzle rate has never changed for me. Sure I get spurs of fizzles but they eventually stops. Storm and Fire have good accuracy bonuses on their gear if you buy good gear. I have never seen anyone in the game complain about this so I don't know why you all come on here to complain about it. Although you shouldn't fizzle with 100% accuracy, maybe you missed something and black mantle was cast on you or you weren't wearing the right gear during that battle to not actually have been 100%? I have never seen a 100% accuracy spell fizzle.

May 10, 2010
DrQuantum wrote:
I have been playing for over a year now and the fizzle rate has never changed for me. Sure I get spurs of fizzles but they eventually stops. Storm and Fire have good accuracy bonuses on their gear if you buy good gear. I have never seen anyone in the game complain about this so I don't know why you all come on here to complain about it. Although you shouldn't fizzle with 100% accuracy, maybe you missed something and black mantle was cast on you or you weren't wearing the right gear during that battle to not actually have been 100%? I have never seen a 100% accuracy spell fizzle.

Over a year and you have never seen a 100% Accurate spell fizzle? You don't play much, do you?

I have seen a wand fizzle, without any negatives to accuracy and even having a pet with sure shot, increasing accuracy another 6%.

I have posted on this before, the ratio of fizzles to accuracy percentages is way off. I am not sure if KI is trying to make it to where the Mobs have a chance or bosses, to where if they have enough pips and have not attacked, you will fizzle so they at least get a chance or what, but 100% accurate means you should NOT fizzle. 99% Accuracy means you should fizzle like 1 out of 100 tries, not 10 out 30.

Some say that it balances itself out, but this is just lame excuses for this type of problem. It will not balance out if you have 90% accuracy and you are at a standing of 70% accuracy, unless you never fizzle for a long time, pending on how many spells you have cast. I do not think the programming is that involved to keep track of every spell you have ever casted.

We are talking about accuracy, not chance, or probabilities. I have seen some real childish ways some have tried to justify the mathmatics of this problem, but that is just it, they are childish. I would think that KI employs programmers with degrees and a real knowledge of Math and algebra. Yet for some reason, the basic concept of actual accuracy eludes them.

Feb 25, 2011
I would have to agree that the fizzle rate does seem much higher than it should be. I have not yet seen a 100% accuracy spell fizzle yet (without an accuracy debuff) but the tendency for high accuracy spells to fizzle multiple times in a row is a bit absurd.

For those of you who think people just have bad luck or that missing X times in a row is just normal once every few days needs to re-check their math.

Statistics 101:

The percent (%) chance (on average, I'm not going into discrete math) of something happening X consecutive times in a row is equal to the percent chance of it happening once, raised to the X power.

thus, the percent chance of fizzling 4 times in a row on an 85% accuracy spell is 15% to the fourth power. (15% chance to fizzle)

0.15^4 = 0.00050625 = 0.050625% chance of happening. Yet how many times has this happened to you on any one day, much less month?

The guy who fizzled 9 imps in a row?

0.1^9 = 0.000000001 = 0.0000001% = one in a billion chance....

meaning out of any string of 9 billion casts of imp, missing 9 times in a row will happen once on average.

What does this mean?

It means that either:
A: People including myself have horrid luck
B: KI's random number generator is rigged to fizzle more often than it should
C: We are exaggerating our number of fizzles

There is something that can be done however: It is not difficult to implement a system to counteract this in a random number generator. Meaning KI could implement into their code a running total of a person's accuracy % per session for each spell, and weight the random number generator to favor hits instead of fizzles as the actual accuracy starts to drop substantially below the intended average, as well as weighting towards fizzles as it rises above the average. This weighting could start appearing after so many casts of each spell (maybe 5 or 6?)

Feb 16, 2009
I think this whole thread is 'rediculous'...

There's no such thing as a fizzle rate. It's called accuracy. Meaning, if you have a ninety percent chance of a spell succeeding, you have ten percent chance of it fizzling.

Another stupid thing I've seen on this thread: area accuracy. There's no such thing! Area will not affect accuracy. if it did, don't you think it would be in the Player's Guide? Hm?

Some people just have bad luck. I know my Pyromancer had it, until I increased my accuracy to 94 percent. Now I fizzle about once every several battles.

Just increase your accuracy and you should be fine.

And if there ARE bugs that cause 100% accuracy spells to fizzle, instead of complaining and making up ignorant assumptions, REPORT IT. There's a giant green button in the top of this page for that.

Jack Fireheart Level 60 Pyromancer and Sharpshooter Deluxe

Dec 10, 2010
TwinkleJinx wrote:
Every school has seen a huge rise in fizzles, and yet the NPC's seem to launch even Storm spells one after the other without a hitch.

Not only have fizzles increased dramatically, but now it seems every NPC has a pocket full of Fire Elves and Weakness. It makes no difference what element they are, they all have them.

And while I'm up here on the soapbox -

What really gets me is how the NPCs on Unicorn Way now use Blades and Traps.
The players are very low health with little or no gear and no heal cards, and out comes the heavy artillery.
i agree 100% the other day i saw a novice (not even level two )get beaten by a lost soul i think that is absurd!! and ya i have nticed that every NPC does have fire elves and Weakness oh and they also have alot of Spirit Armor! Its starting to get way to tricky to beat people

Feb 14, 2010
phils26 wrote:
I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!! i am death grand and one day i was doing a pvp with my other grand death friend we were going to double wraith on this one guy AND GUESS WHAT WE BOTH FIZZLED. next round i fizzled again but he didnt. then we both were going to crow and we both fizzled. thats 4/5 times of fizzle and death has a 85% chance of hitting

Why does it say you are an Novice wizard?

Jul 09, 2009
Just saying were not wizards not mages (there is a difference). Storm fizzles becuase they have the best attack in the spiral (still think fire wizards are much better though not because i'm one). The power there moves have are crazy like stormzilla does up to 730 for only five pips I say thats outragous! Triton dos like 870 or something for 6 pips crazy huh. So thats why they fizzle a lot.

Aaron Drakewalker Level 57

Oct 24, 2009
Well i am storm too and i found with new gear fizzling becomes less frequent. Also i doubt in wizard101 they let you have 100% accuracy. (unless its written on the card) Many times my storm spells with boost go up to 100% and still fizzle so my guess is that it just stops at 99% to make it fair. Also the same applies with 0%. When bolt was only 10% i used it with a black mantle on me. Normally it would be -35% but i somehow it didn't fizzle? I'm guessing instead of going dead out 0% they stop it at 1 or 2%.
But most of the time is luck anyway :?