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Accidental home purchase

Dec 05, 2009
I was just about to select the "preview" button for the desert villa home in Krokotopia when I accidentally pressed the "buy" button instead. I didn't even want to buy the home yet. I instantly lost 20000 gold, which I was saving for a mooshu home. Then I immedietly sold it back and only got 1000 gold back. Is it possible that the nice people from ravenwood can help sort out this problem and redeem my 20000 gold?

Also, I suggest that there should be an "are you sure you want to buy this home" window, whenever someone presses the "buy" button for a home.

Thank you for understanding,

Benjamin Nightcrafter, Level 41 Master Sorcerer.

May 20, 2010
You won't get your gold back. Players are responsible for their actions.

Agreed that home purchases should have a confirm dialog.

Jul 05, 2010
I did the same thing last week. I wish there was a way to get the gold back. At least make it ask "Are you sure you wish to make this purchase" before it takes you're gold.