Just wanted to find out if anyone knew or the Admins or Game Masters knew if there were any plans on fixing or seeing what they could do to fix the quest helper causing lag issue? It is rather nice to have the quest Helper on but if there are alot of players online and I have changed to a Perfect server it lags something awful with the QH until I turn the QH off. Then it is alot smoother. If anyone can give me an Idea if Kingsisle is gonna see what they can do to lessen the lag when QH is on that would be cool.
I would imagine that it would be a nightmare to fix, and they're busy finalizing Celestia, the new secondary schools, and many other things.
Until they get around to it, use the off-on workaround I posted elsewhere. Briefly: You can toggle the quest arrow on and off with the "T" key on your keyboard. The trick is to turn it off while you're moving. When you want to get your bearings, stop and turn it on. Then when you're ready to move again, turn it back off. It's a pain, but it's a lot faster than trying to move when the arrow is on.
So just keep doing what I been doin. Thanks for the reply. I hope sometime in the near future they will address that. It is an inconvenience to have to turn the quest helper on and off, although not too hard since it is just a few keystrokes. And you said Celestia? Any news anywhere on the site about Celestia and the possible launch date? And is Celestia a new game that Kingsisle working on or is it part of Wizard101?