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Power pips not working correctly

Sep 02, 2010
I have an issue. Whenever I gain a power pip, it does not count as two mana towards any of my spells. In other words, if I have 3 power pips, I cannot cast a cost 4 spell. If I have 1 power pip, I cannot cast a cost 2 spell. Has anyone else run into this problem? I've only noticed this problem with my Conjurer class. Thanks for any information or assistance.

May 31, 2010
Skilgar wrote:
I have an issue. Whenever I gain a power pip, it does not count as two mana towards any of my spells. In other words, if I have 3 power pips, I cannot cast a cost 4 spell. If I have 1 power pip, I cannot cast a cost 2 spell. Has anyone else run into this problem? I've only noticed this problem with my Conjurer class. Thanks for any information or assistance.

What are the spells you are trying to cast ? We know pips don't count towards spells from schools that are not your main/first school of choice. If they are not counting for your main either , guess an email to support

Was playing last night with death , life and storm wizzes, they seemed to be working fine for me.

Aug 21, 2009
Power pips only count as two pips towards the spells of your school. If you are life and casting a life spell then a power pip counts as two pips, but if you are life and casting a storm school spell then a power pip only counts as one pip rather than two pips.

Jun 15, 2010
ya...i had the prblem too like if i have a power pip and my 2nd school is balance and i have scorpian it dosen't let me cast it. :(

By the way in the game my name is kevin hawkflame im a level 30 if you run into me ask me to be your friend i'd be happy to accept it! :)

Jan 27, 2009
Sep 06, 2010
Power pips only count double for spells of the same school as you. They count as a regular pip for every other type.

May 20, 2010
A power pip should count as two regular pips for spells in your school and one pip for spells outside your school. If that's not happening, you need to contact Support.

Sep 02, 2010
Ok, I'll check and find out, appreciate all the quick and helpful replies! :-)

Mar 09, 2009
Actually, any one pip school specific spell WILL use a full power pip, if you don't have any regular pips.
Balance wizard with 2 power pips, then casts a Bladestorm (a one pip spell that gives all wizards in your party a blade). Lo and behold, you are left with a single power pip, instead of one power pip and one regular pip.
I've been playing for over a year and a half, and I believe it has ALWAYS been that way.

Rogan Firehammer

Jan 25, 2010
Pips and Mana are two different things. Gaining pips doesn't give you mana and no amount of mana helps you get pips.

The number in the upper left of the card tells you what equal amounts of pips and mana you need to cast a spell.

For casting spells above 0, casting it has two prices just like buying something and sales tax except in this case the two fees are equal.

Let's say that number is 4. It will cost you 4 white pips or two yellow power pips and 4 mana.

Also, for casting a spell of another school a yellow power pip only counts as one white pip. So, if that other school spells requires 4 then you would really need 4 yellow power pips. If the card requires 4 and the spell is of your school then you only need 2 yellow power pips.

Yellow pips are the same as white if casting a spell outside your school.