Sorry if this is in the wrong place but i have connection problems. my computer isnt bad or my connection. everything goes as planed and running smoothly. The only problem i have is when i put a housing item that is new to me and word object data begins to load the object i suddenly lose connection the same thing happens when i go to some ones home or some one with a new pet walks by. please help me fix the problem.
I have this same problem but only when I am using my laptop at work. My place of work offers free wireless to its employees and customers when on site. This free wireless does not allow for certain downloads. Unfortunately that is the .wad files on this game. If you are using your home internet, contact your provider with the problem. Every so often, i use my laptop at home and visit as many houses as possible, go through the bazaar looking at all the items and run through the pet pavilion on crowded realms in hopes of getting as many of these files downloaded as possible so when i am at work, i won't get disconnected.
another thing you can do is as soon as you get the disconnected warning (the box that pops up) hit your home button. This will stop the download, but you will not be able to see what the game was trying to download. You also may not be able to place items in your home until you relaunch the game.
For some unknown reason, my Trend Micro Security Agent recently started to disallow any downloads of new items or zones during game play. Once I stopped the services for real time scan and net listen, I was able to get the game to function properly.
Hope this helps out anyone that uses Trend Micro Security Agent.
I have been having the same problem with housing items or when trying to sell new items. I will try changing my settings on Trend Micro Security and see if it makes a difference for me.
Just checked my Web Threats from Tend Micro and lots of updates for Wizard101 were deemed Web Threats bythe program. I have turned it off for now butam tryingtofind ways of making Trend Micro recognize all Wizard101 files as safe. Thanks for the suggestion!
I have been having the same problem with housing items or when trying to sell new items. I will try changing my settings on Trend Micro Security and see if it makes a difference for me.
Just checked my Web Threats from Tend Micro and lots of updates for Wizard101 were deemed Web Threats bythe program. I have turned it off for now butam tryingtofind ways of making Trend Micro recognize all Wizard101 files as safe. Thanks for the suggestion!
Did you try this? It was a response to another post...
I don't have Trend Micro, but this was a response to a post about "Security Warning...suspicious file":
We had a problem with trend micro also. We had to tell the Trend program to allow the following website.
the "*" tells it to allow all the Wizard 101 files. Otherwise you have to allow each individual file evertime you go to a new area!!