Since I enabled my open chat, I've seen thousands of players abusing the word Flock and Fluke as a cover-up for the F-word. This really irritates me and I would like such cover-up words to be banned from the open chat vocabulary. Those words have no purpose in the game and would make open chat much safer for younger players.
It isn't going to help to get rid of perfectly good words. If you wanted to get rid of all of the words, close to the F-word, then you could include such as:
buck cluck duck fake fax fix flock folk fox funk luck muck puck punk tuck
And probably others
I don't know if masked profanity (profanity using word-dodges as above) is actionable, but it ought to be.
No matter what you remove,there will always be a replacement word for people who try and circumvent the chat filter. The best thing to do is simply report them for cursing in public chat.
Dosn't work. Players will use the most close word still. Maybe another FL word or maybe even looks like more. And you can't make peoples to remove all The F, S, B and more letter words! That won't be nice. By the way, tis is a 10+ Game. Peoples 10+ Already know that those are bad words.
You can report people for using these words in such context that players use them. The problem with removing words is that players tend to merely find new words to replace them with that are meant to represent any that are removed.
TOTALLY AGREE! I use the report button now so frequently, think my mounse can just navigate there by itself. :( I have a son that plays wizard, and am tired of seeing this as well as "SHEET", which I am also happy to report for. Thank you for your post, Sophia StormBlade, storm gm
Disagree. As has already been stated, removing an otherwise perfectly fine word, just because some people abuse it due to its similarity to other words, means that it will become close to impossible to write a coherent sentence.
There's already a myriad of words that aren't allowed in the text chat (numbers, various 'potentially offensive' words, most slightly uncommon words (can I get to use the words "redundant" and "inane" soon? :D) and more, and adding more words to the list will... complicate communications, to put it lightly.
Rather than banning the words themselves, I would rather see a function that would force those filter-abusers to use menu chat if they talk around the filter once too many times. Not to mention those that use a mix of capital letters to mark out a specific combination of letters in a word to function as a swear word...
Yes, it is a problem. But the only true fix of it all is to force everyone to use menu chat; and I would be one of those running away screaming if such a thing was enforced.
It isn't going to help to get rid of perfectly good words. If you wanted to get rid of all of the words, close to the F-word, then you could include such as:
buck cluck duck fake fax fix flock folk fox funk luck muck puck punk tuck
And probably others
I don't know if masked profanity (profanity using word-dodges as above) is actionable, but it ought to be.
What if you see a flock of birds and try to act funny by saying, "LOL LOOK AT THE FLOCK OF BIRDS THEY MUST EAT ALL YOUR GRENDLE WEEDS :D!" That would be usful at a random time. :) Now listen that you can also use the "Flock" as a British word. YOU SAY WHAT NOW? Yeah I said it - Cody Dragonbreath level 28 pyromancer
With all this censorship why not just disable text chat anyways since it's hard enough to have a normal conversation as is.
I totally disagree with this! It is the only way to talk to friends online
I believe the original poster was speaking with frustrated sarcasm.
When words like sheet and flock and bench, etc are used in a context to infer swearing, the play can and should be reported.
I'll admit I don't always do this as much as I can. Sometimes it feels like I can either report or actually play. Still: swear in a common area during prime hours? I at least will report you.
To a degree, using words like this isn't really that bad. I've seen lots of people say "Flock you" or "Go away, flock err". The usual response is a simple "Whatever", or something similar. This isn't too serious. These people are just annoyed and angry and aren't thinking out what they say. But if players use cover-ups to actually harrass or threaten someone else, then it does become a problem. However, I've never seen anyone do this. Unless you feel a player is true victim to someone else's language, leave the matter to those people. Only they can decide whether or not they want to be mature and make up.
I just want to comment as another parents view, I have two kids that play this game also and while I do not agree with using profanity in the real life or on this game I do feel that King Isle has taken appropiate actions to block these words. I do not for one minute think that my kids do not hear these words in the real world in so many different areas and places(school for instance) I think it is our job as parents to encourage our kids not to act the same way. I can not block my kids from this world I can only educate them on it this is just another opportunity to do that. I do believe that if these words are being used to pick on or bully someone then the person that is using them should be reported but I do not believe that they should be taken out. Parents just remember the things we make a big deal about our kids will think is a big deal.