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Duplicate quests

Aug 10, 2010
Evidently I went out of order on the quests and I have already done some quests that are showing up as something I haven't done, but I remember doing them. Is there anyway to delete quests off the quest list? Some of those monsters I really don't want to fight again, and not least of all, that becomes boring after awhile. - marstn

May 20, 2010
There's no way that I know of to delete quests from the list, other than those that fall off by themselves when instances time out.

May 31, 2010
marstn wrote:
Evidently I went out of order on the quests and I have already done some quests that are showing up as something I haven't done, but I remember doing them. Is there anyway to delete quests off the quest list? Some of those monsters I really don't want to fight again, and not least of all, that becomes boring after awhile. - marstn

Copy/Pasted from the known bugs board..

Repeating Quests
A small bug that has been squished as of 01 September 2010, would allow some players to repeat quests. No worries, you haven't lost anything, and are welcome to repeat these quests if you wish.

I know they said they did fix this , but I was still having this problem after Sept. 1. Now as you might already know , some quest are repeatable such as the dungeons, others should no longer be available to you. As long as it doesn't interfer with your storyline progress , I wouldn't worry about it , just consider it bonus XP gift.