I think all characters on an account should share the same badges. That is to say that once one character reaches a crafting title all characters should also have that title and be able to craft with it. This also means that every character on an account can contribute to finishing up crafting quests as they essentially share the same crafting page with all the other characters on the account. This would save everyone a lot of crafting quest time that could be spent playing the game with friends and would enable everyone to better be able to actually craft items rather than spending all their time and gathering all their regents simply to finish crafting quests. Additionally, since people wouldn't have individual crafting quests on all their characters the hard to get regents such as black lotus should become easier to both farm and to purchase at the bazaar as demand for those regents would be decreased a bit.
I don't agree either. Each wizard character should EARN the badges, and they should not be transferable to your other characters that did not earn them.
Maybe all characters should be able to share reagents somehow, but each character needs to earn their own badges. They can already share the Crafting Stations if you keep them in the Shared Bank.
I also do not agree with this idea. If that happens, then a level 5 wizard will be able to run around with a Savior of the Spiral badge. It is also really fun to be able to earn badges, and then be proud to havea badge that not a lot of other people have :-D.
Maybe all characters should be able to share reagents somehow, but each character needs to earn their own badges. They can already share the Crafting Stations if you keep them in the Shared Bank.
If you take a look at the new Celestia notification, you will see that this is something that will be implemented.