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Excessive Fizzles

Sep 17, 2010
What the heck is going on with the fizzles? I haved been on the same quest now for 6 hours and can not complete it due to excessive fizzles. I'm not talking 2 or 3 per battle. I'm talking 4 in a row and 12-15 per battle. I have listed this issue now 4 times and every time I get some joke of an excuse of its just bad luck. Is there anyone here that actually has anything to do with helping with stuff like this or do you just read the post and say its bad luck. That is horrible customer service!! Well if it is bad luck then it is bad luck for you as I am now cancelling my account.

Jan 31, 2009
What kind of spells are you using?You can try adding some accuracy spells to your attack spells/healing that always helps me .Or it might be because of your armor that rarely happens but it may be the cause,or like everyone else said. Bad Luck

Glad I could help!

May 20, 2010
You've complained about this often. Just for you, I'm going to give you a choice of three reasons this is happening; these should appeal to you:

(NOTE TO OTHERS: The following in italics is fiction. Don't believe it. Skip down to the regular text.)

1) Some higher power has it in for you and is causing your spells to miss more often.

2) It's a bug/glitch/etc. that's making you miss too often.

3) The Wizard101 staff got tired of your complaining, and they deliberately set your fizzle rate a LOT higher so that you'd get mad at them and quit.

For the rest of you, this is how it is:

The correct answer is that it's bad luck. To test this, try keeping track of the next 100 times you cast an attack spell in your school. Open Notepad or get a piece of paper. Now use an 1 when your spell works and a 0 when it fizzles. Do this for 100 casts, making a new line every 10 casts. When you reach 100, count the x's. That's how many fizzled, and 1-x's is the number that hit.

Your success rate is the base rate for that school (i.e. 70% for storm, 90% for Life), plus the extra accuracy your equipment adds (which can be viewed by pressing "C" --it's the accuracy rate). Of course, the enemies will occasionally cast an inaccuracy spell (such as the -45% one) on you; if one of those appears,don't count the cast it's triggered on. So if you have Storm (70%) and your equipment adds 10%), you should have an 80% success rate and 20% fizzle rate.

The number of successes you'll have in 100 tries will usually be close to what it should be, but even then it could be off by 10 or more, which is 10%. That's deviation, or "good luck" or "bad luck" . If you do a 1,000 cast sample, it might by off by 20, but that's only 2%. The larger the sample, the closer the percentages match up to what they should be.

Now suppose that you do a 1,000 cast sample, with an 80% success rate, and you get 800 successes and 200 fizzles, as it should be. If you go through the log of these, you might find an string of 5 or 6 straight fizzles, or a sequence of 14 fizzles out of 20. That's "bad luck", but it will happen once in a great while. You might also find a string of 25 or more straight successes, and a streak of 48 successes and only 2 fizzles. That's "good luck" and it can also happen once in a great while. A reason for good and bad luck is that each cast is independent of each other cast. The game (I would assume, although I suppose it's possible to program it otherwise) doesn't remember what happened last turn. Just because you're successful 15 times in a row doesn't make you "due" to fizzle on your next cast. Likewise, just because you fizzle twice in a row doesn't mean you're "due" to be successful next cast.

The general problem is that many of us don't pay attention to the "good luck" because we expect the spell to work, since it does more often than not. A lot of us only remember the "bad luck", because the spells are supposed to work more often than not.

If you miss a lot in a row, it's just "bad luck"

Jul 27, 2009
i have have this happen to me as well i just make ssure i have more pips than i need for the spell now

Sep 09, 2010
Hey dude calm down, this might seem weird but on my strom wizard (lvl 32) he hardly fizzles so it might be luck I guess.

Aug 12, 2009
Great answer Colagada.

For my Storm mage, I chose my equipment based upon accuracy buffs. This lead to +acc +damage -hp -defence. Combined with the +10% spell buff, fizzles are not a large problem.

Devin Darksong – Grandmaster Necromancer – lvl 50 Death
Digby Darksong – Grandmaster Theurgist – lvl 50 Life
Duncan Darksong – Grandmaster Sorcerer – lvl 50 Balance
Dylan Darksong – Grandmaster Diviner – lvl 50 Storm
Dustan Darksong – Grandmaster Conjurer – lvl 50 Myth
Dolan Darksong – Master Thaumaturge - 50 Ice

Dec 02, 2009
88moneypit wrote:
What the heck is going on with the fizzles? I haved been on the same quest now for 6 hours and can not complete it due to excessive fizzles. I'm not talking 2 or 3 per battle. I'm talking 4 in a row and 12-15 per battle. I have listed this issue now 4 times and every time I get some joke of an excuse of its just bad luck. Is there anyone here that actually has anything to do with helping with stuff like this or do you just read the post and say its bad luck. That is horrible customer service!! Well if it is bad luck then it is bad luck for you as I am now cancelling my account.

This sort of thing ALWAYS happens to me. If I had a dollar for every time I fizzled, I'd be a bajilinonair .

Sep 19, 2010
Hey, just wait until you get midway into Celestia.

You not only fizzle more, even with a Sniper Enchant, but you also get a full circle of white pips. Apparently, your pip percentage flies out the window at some point.
Add to that the NPCs start out with six pips and always manage to go first. They don't seem to have the fizzle issues, either.

What fun.

Btw colagada , when someone posts in frustration, the last thing you need to do is provide a flippant answer. If you're posting to put salt in a wound, don't post at all.