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Attention All Wizards....

Feb 09, 2009
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

Aug 21, 2009
If there is unbalance in play, players are going to be complaining about it. Telling us not to complain about injustices isn't going to silence us any.

Apr 18, 2010
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

Finally someone who understands

Feb 09, 2009
seasnake wrote:
If there is unbalance in play, players are going to be complaining about it. Telling us not to complain about injustices isn't going to silence us any.

That's the thing: there are no injustices and the game is in balance. The only people that are complaining are the immature sore losers that make everything about PVP. They don't realize that by weakening attacks, KI would have to actually weaken attacks; therefore when people are questing, their attacks will be less effective. When you look at it from that perspective "balancing" the game doesn't seem like a good idea, does it?

May 19, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

Yeah for real - just like those whiny american colonials shouldn't of complained about taxes. Should of just drank their tea and shut up. And to heck with free speech, we don't want any of that around here.

Heres a nice quote for you - Complaning may never solve anything, but never complaining never solves anything.

Feb 09, 2009
Wow, nothing like that ignorant, caustic wit. I'm pretty sure the First Amendment is tired of being abused every five seconds so let's leave that out of this. What I'm saying is that complaining about attack strength and things like that is just wasting your time. You might as well complain about how the sun rises and sets: nothing is gonna come from it. KI is never gonna change any of the attacks because they learned from the Malistaire incident to not mess up a good thing even if there are idiots that have nothing else to do but complain about how easy it is. By the way, it's "shouldn't have", not "shouldn't of".

Dec 19, 2008
Why they wont weaken or " get rid of attacks " is because of one reason. Everyone can use them. everyone has the ability to become a balance wizard and do that buff and judge stadegy. { spelling } Everyone can use wild bolt. everyone can do all those attacks and can become all those schools people complain about. Even though people mostly stick with their favorite wiz which may not be some of those school's they can still become become at least one of them. People can still make a balance wiz or storm wiz and easily do what a lot of people complain about. And to tell you the turth, i have a storm wiz and whenevr i bolt no one really cares if i kill them. lucky shot or not.

jasonfariyblossom lvl 50 pyro

Jul 13, 2009
Aug 14, 2009
Krynn01 wrote:
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

Yeah for real - just like those whiny american colonials shouldn't of complained about taxes. Should of just drank their tea and shut up. And to heck with free speech, we don't want any of that around here.

Heres a nice quote for you - Complaning may never solve anything, but never complaining never solves anything.
No offense, but that was the MOST IGNORANT COMMENT that I ever seen in the message boards, first of all, the colonials did complain, AND they took action. And in my words, ACTION IS BETTER THAN COMPLAINING.

Sep 20, 2008
Apr 03, 2010
Your complaining about people complaining, maybe you shouldnt be such a hypocrite.

Feb 09, 2009
Feb 09, 2009
Response to seasnake:

Believe me, I KNOW I'm not gonna be able to silence you. I wasn't addressing you; you're beyond help.

Aug 19, 2009
First off, Those Reasons are stupid I Mean Who Cares about
It? 1. doesnt't matter 2. doesnt matter 3.doesnt matter.

Aug 19, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

I agree with this Brave Fellow, Whoever he is I Wish him a happy life.
Btw, This part is for Whiney little Noobs:

Feb 09, 2009
jklpil wrote:
First off, Those Reasons are stupid I Mean Who Cares about
It? 1. doesnt't matter 2. doesnt matter 3.doesnt matter.


That's me pretending to care what you think.

Jun 06, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.

THANK YOU, AkihiroHattori5! Finally, the complainers are all addressed, and told to suck it up and learn how to duel. The whiny little brats also get totally pwned.

Mar 18, 2010
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
seasnake wrote:
If there is unbalance in play, players are going to be complaining about it. Telling us not to complain about injustices isn't going to silence us any.

That's the thing: there are no injustices and the game is in balance. The only people that are complaining are the immature sore losers that make everything about PVP. They don't realize that by weakening attacks, KI would have to actually weaken attacks; therefore when people are questing, their attacks will be less effective. When you look at it from that perspective "balancing" the game doesn't seem like a good idea, does it?

Thank you for putting this in your post,lots of us DO NOT PvP. It would be awful if KI made changes for PvP that negatively impacted PvE. PvP is one small segment of the total game. I really wish people would realize that! There is a WHOLE game to consider not just PvP.

I come here because I have found great strategies that help me in game. So I guess there is some good from the complaint threads. I have to admit I am surprised by all the complaints on this board. I struggle to understand why people do it if they dislike it so much?! Seems like people who are complaining aren't having much fun.

Thanks to folks who post how to defeat someone. Your strategies have really helped me a lot.


Jun 06, 2009
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Wow, nothing like that ignorant, caustic wit. I'm pretty sure the First Amendment is tired of being abused every five seconds so let's leave that out of this. What I'm saying is that complaining about attack strength and things like that is just wasting your time. You might as well complain about how the sun rises and sets: nothing is gonna come from it. KI is never gonna change any of the attacks because they learned from the Malistaire incident to not mess up a good thing even if there are idiots that have nothing else to do but complain about how easy it is. By the way, it's "shouldn't have", not "shouldn't of".

Ooh, nothing like that intelligent caustic wit to bring a grin to some faces and a snarl of sore loss to others. I agree with you on this (by the way, remember me from that "Final Word" thread?); SOME people don't want to work for victory, so they try to make KingsIsle dampen all other Schools... I really would laugh if that happened, because the whiners would then find out just how awesome their OWN School is when their direct superiors by way of Level hand their sorry carcasses to the wolves. :-D

PS: You go, let's royally own all with poor grammar!

Feb 09, 2009
Firefan02 wrote:
[Thank you for putting this in your post,lots of us DO NOT PvP. It would be awful if KI made changes for PvP that negatively impacted PvE. PvP is one small segment of the total game. I really wish people would realize that! There is a WHOLE game to consider not just PvP.

I come here because I have found great strategies that help me in game. So I guess there is some good from the complaint threads. I have to admit I am surprised by all the complaints on this board. I struggle to understand why people do it if they dislike it so much?! Seems like people who are complaining aren't having much fun.

Thanks to folks who post how to defeat someone. Your strategies have really helped me a lot.


Thank goodness there are some people that don't do PvP! I refuse to do PvP for the reasons I stated in my "Down with PvP" post. It really does annoy me when people don't realize that PvP is just part of Wizard101 and don't even care about the consequences of the changes they're demanding. For example, a certain habitual complainer (I tried to make an open letter to him/her, but it got flagged so I'm not mentioning his/her name) made a post going on about how Bladestorm was an attack too powerful to only cost 1 pip and demanded the pip cost be turned to 4 pips (do you know who it is now?). I was thinking, Are you nuts?! Do you know how many people would suffer because of that?! They are what annoys me the most; the habitual complainers. If you think there is SO MUCH wrong with the game, then why do you pay to play it?

Feb 09, 2009
FoxFyr wrote:
Ooh, nothing like that intelligent caustic wit to bring a grin to some faces and a snarl of sore loss to others. I agree with you on this (by the way, remember me from that "Final Word" thread?); SOME people don't want to work for victory, so they try to make KingsIsle dampen all other Schools... I really would laugh if that happened, because the whiners would then find out just how awesome their OWN School is when their direct superiors by way of Level hand their sorry carcasses to the wolves. :-D

PS: You go, let's royally own all with poor grammar!

So true! *Internet Hi-5* Yeah, I remember you. Obviously there are no hard feelings. Now to tell you in laymen's terms what I was trying to say before: I'm sure you got my point that you did sound a tad obnoxious (but we all can when we really care about a topic lol), but I do respect the fact that you stated your point without being downright rude and used correct spelling and grammar. On your point, I agree to disagree, but either way it doesn't matter since, as I'm sure many administrators have told you, it was the FINAL word and that means "no" means NO. Oh well; you win some, you lose some. You are always welcome to join my crusade to pwn all with poor grammar! Smart people unite!

Apr 04, 2010
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I implore you, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SCHOOL ATTACKS. First, it's not gonna change anything. Just because you think that Balance offers too many charms and it's the ONLY reason Sorcerers destroy people with Judgment doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think it's unfair that Storm clothing offers accuracy boost, which of course makes Wild Bolt more precise, doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. Just because you think Feint should be Death-specific because too many people use Feint to their advantage even if they're not a Necromancer doesn't mean KI is gonna do anything about it. If KI did any of these suggestions the potential uprise and boycotting of the game would ruin them! Second, I have a wild idea. It's really crazy, but I think it might just work: how about you stop wasting your time typing your whiny little posts and....uh, I don't know....TRAIN YOUR WIZARD! It's called strategy; go create one instead of demanding something that's never gonna change.
THANK YOU! At first, I was going to post this but I did'nt know how to, now I do and then I forgot I was gonna do this post. Once again, thank you, finally, someone who understands! People whine WAY to much.