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Can not complete level 48 ice quest

Sep 17, 2010
I can not access Grum Foultooth in Mooshu Crimson Fields. Everything else is done. It guides me to him but I cant get in. I have now wasted 3 hours on this. Is this a new bug?? What gives? Any sugestions would be helpfull. Thanks.

May 20, 2010
You have to get the quest "Stone Cold" to defeat Grum Foultooth from Bricktop. If you have that quest in your list and still can't get to Mr. Foultooth, then send in a ticket to Support.

Otherwise, some areas need to be done over after a certain length of time. If that quest isn't in your list, you need to look for the quest from Crimson Fields that is in your list and start from there. Use the quest hints to find out what to do on that quest.

You can also check this guide from Wizard101 Central:


Apr 02, 2010
My basic rule is never pass up an NPC with a or a .

Even if its a side quest, just take it, you don't have to complete them. Then if you find yourself stuck, go back to those.