What the heck is going on here? I cannot get to the chest in the burial ground. I can get to the building but can't go in. I know I have been in there before and don't understand why I can't get back in. I have completed all the quests. I just finished doing all the mossback quests yet again and wavebringer. I have done everything that everyone has said to do in every forum so please dont tell me the same stuff. I am extremely angry and frustrated. It also appears that this is a reoccuring theme with this quest. Here is an idea. FIX IT!!!!!! Poeple do not subscribe to the game and pay good money to have their bloodpressure shoot through the roof time and time again due to the frustration imposed on us by you. Part of the problem is that the quest tracker doesn't work with this. As you can imagine this makes a bad situation worse. Poeple like myself can only resort to doing everything that everyone says in every forum to resolve this. Unfortuinately none of this works.
you are getting too worked up over it you may have accidentally missed one i believe there is a quest for that in the tree of life dungeon though i am simply looking back on my memory i haven't been to mooshu in forever