I've decided I want to reclaim some training points. I am a lvl 50 Myth Wizard with Secondary as Storm. I put some training points into some other classes which I now regret.
I understand you can use crowns to buy back your training points and then redo your training. My question is what happens to my Orthros Pet and card if I dump all my training points? I'm really confused on this.
Also is it possible to only drop say 6 training points and reclaim them?
I've already spent the money to buy crowns for this, and am now almost regretting this decision because I don't want to have to redo the Orthros Pet and Card quest.
Some clarification would be appreciated and I apologize if this was covered elsewhere. Perhaps a link to more information would also be helpful.
I've decided I want to reclaim some training points. I am a lvl 50 Myth Wizard with Secondary as Storm. I put some training points into some other classes which I now regret.
I understand you can use crowns to buy back your training points and then redo your training. My question is what happens to my Orthros Pet and card if I dump all my training points? I'm really confused on this.
You are a Myth Wizard, you earned that pet and card because you are a Myth Wizard. You did not spend Training Points to get that spell, therefore, it's yours.
Zabalah wrote:
Also is it possible to only drop say 6 training points and reclaim them?
It's an all or nothing deal. You will lose all spells that you have acquired with the use of spending Training Points, and you will regain those Training Points.
Zabalah wrote:
I've already spent the money to buy crowns for this, and am now almost regretting this decision because I don't want to have to redo the Orthros Pet and Card quest.
Some clarification would be appreciated and I apologize if this was covered elsewhere. Perhaps a link to more information would also be helpful.
Thank you.
All your MYTH spells will remain, as you did not spend Training Points to obtain them - they were FREE because you are a Myth Wizard. The spells you will be returning are ONLY non-Myth spells.
Make sense?
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Dear Prospector Zeke, Thank you so much for your reply. It all makes PERFECT sense now, and I can see how this would apply to other class wizards as well. Free class spells stay with you while secondary and other spells you train can be exchanged or returned.
They really should promote you to a higher level wizard, you know!