Like the title says. Since Celestia just came out, high level wizards can now abuse the use of Celestia treasure cards in PvP. WHich they can then trade the cards to their low levels like Polymorphs for example and use them in Pvp. Like for instance, my girl was just doing PvP on one of her low level wizards and she fought a level 5 who could Polymorph and thus way increase his health for at LEAST 6 turns. Thats all it takes to beat someone in ranked PvP, 6 turns. Now whatever happened to the solution of putting a level restriction on treasure cards hmm? Seems to me that that solution got thrown out the door.Heck why not just put on a level restriction now and add back enchanted treasure card trading while you're at it? But that's beside the point. Anyways, I came here to make a statement. Treasure card abuse in the Arena is only going to continue now. You MUST put a stop to this before it ruins PvP. Now my girl wont even PvP anymore because that just ruins it. I really dont want Celestia to mess things up in PvP because it seems that both PvE and PvP seem to be thrown together most of the time. Anyways, just a heads-up/fore-shadow of things that might come.
Justin IronBreaker Level 50 Myth Alex NightShade Level 50 Death
Ah, I see! A player has a wizard learn the lunar school spells. Then he enchants one of his polymorph spells with a regular treasure card. Now he puts the treasure card in his shared bank and passes it to one of his low level characters on his account. A very clever thing to do! It isn't at all fair. I am impressed with anyone who actually thought out how to do this, and didn't just copy someone else.
I didn't think that the polymorph spells would be enchantable. The updates didn't mention it. Does this mean that I can make star and sun cards into real treasure cards too? I know that cards enchanted by the sun school dissapear after battle, but if I use a regular treasure card on the sun school enchantment... I can have that enchantment whenever I want. Aura treasure cards sound fun too.
Oh wow, this is quite a mess. hmmm, now which treasure cards can enchant a polymorph? An aura? an enchantment? PVP must be rough for players who don't have a grand on their account. Did you send a 1:1 to support? Thank you for pointing this out, such an amazing oversight. I can't believe KI missed it. Wow!
Some polymorph cards are available for purchase, so all they had to do was trade between two accounts. They may even become available at the Bazaar if someone gets one as a drop.
NO, the polymorph spell is a common drop in Celestia, thus tradeable!
I have most of them in only the first part of CL(The Grotto). I am still a level 50, and they have been all drops(Polymorph Ninja and Gobbler - many copies) Yet another way for someone to "cheat" in PVP.
It is such a minor part of the whole Wizard101 experience yet it get the most issues and attention. And you wonder why I dont even try to PVP at all anymore on my 5 grand masters!
Like the title says. Since Celestia just came out, high level wizards can now abuse the use of Celestia treasure cards in PvP. WHich they can then trade the cards to their low levels like Polymorphs for example and use them in Pvp. Like for instance, my girl was just doing PvP on one of her low level wizards and she fought a level 5 who could Polymorph and thus way increase his health for at LEAST 6 turns. Thats all it takes to beat someone in ranked PvP, 6 turns. Now whatever happened to the solution of putting a level restriction on treasure cards hmm? Seems to me that that solution got thrown out the door.Heck why not just put on a level restriction now and add back enchanted treasure card trading while you're at it? But that's beside the point. Anyways, I came here to make a statement. Treasure card abuse in the Arena is only going to continue now. You MUST put a stop to this before it ruins PvP. Now my girl wont even PvP anymore because that just ruins it. I really dont want Celestia to mess things up in PvP because it seems that both PvE and PvP seem to be thrown together most of the time. Anyways, just a heads-up/fore-shadow of things that might come.
Justin IronBreaker Level 50 Myth Alex NightShade Level 50 Death
I totally agree. It is always the cheaters that do this to make fun turn into sorrow. It would be much better for them to add a totally new game just for PvP.
NO, the polymorph spell is a common drop in Celestia, thus tradeable!
I have most of them in only the first part of CL(The Grotto). I am still a level 50, and they have been all drops(Polymorph Ninja and Gobbler - many copies) Yet another way for someone to "cheat" in PVP.
It is such a minor part of the whole Wizard101 experience yet it get the most issues and attention. And you wonder why I dont even try to PVP at all anymore on my 5 grand masters!
I swear!
Hmm, if only they would seperate PvP from PvE? I for one, LIKE PvP. They could at LEAST ban polymorphs and such from pvp, cause that is basically like the enchanted treasure card problem. Heck, I just now fought in pvp with my balance against some storm who kept Polymorphing. I BARELY won. This is a problem. It could become an epidemic for low level PvP. Maybe they should just ban treasure cards from PvP all together? Except for maybe shields in case you can never draw shields.
I am really upset by the unbalance in pvp. I have a mid-level character and it is very hard to level up any way to commander. Now these morphs are blowing me away and i can lose 20+ points to an opponent that i should beat.
I might leave this game!
Level restrictions and pip cost are possible fixes.
My main character is level 50. PVP has become the main attraction for me. That is now finished. Please change this soon.
I played a journeyman balance who used the storm polymorph. He suddenly got 2500 health, all power pips, and cast tempest which blew right through a storm shield and was instant death.
I'd like to see an option added that would make it impossible to use treasure cards in PVP. That would solve -so- many problems, and while, yes, it would mean more difficulty in defeating your opponent, it would also create a ton of new strategies that didn't rely on outright cheating and trickery.
Am so mad with the polymorth treasure cards! i'm a level 5 pvper and i was on commander instantly went down to sergeant in a couple of games loosing around -21 POINTS! is this some joke is this a way to lose all people who do PVP. i enjoy wizard101 yes but this is beyond a joke am furious with this everybody makes a brand new account and get probably warlord in seconds! i saw somebody who was private who morphed with in couple of minutes litterally was captain! this is boring i'm quitting my pvp account because of the polymorthers.
bet there having a good time ! earning all them points this MUST STOP!!
spamming storm polymorth after its finished ARGH!!!!
Polymorph is a very powerful spell and I was given one by a total stranger the other day for free! I'm a newbie to this game - been playing about a week and a half, so they must be pretty prevalent if people are giving them away.
I have a level 12 which i pvp alot on and I agree 100%. I'm not talking about low level wizards equiped with their grand's stormzilla or orthrus pet. Any good pvper will adapt to the battle and overcome their one shot pony.
These polymorph treasures, specifically the Cat one, allows someone to use a stormzilla with a high chance of getting critical hit. lol. A level 10 hit me with 2400 damage shot with this card. Are you kidding me???? Sure, card last what 5-6 rounds?? But still..come on..seriously. This problem needs to be fixed quickly or many will quit pvp and/or game.
For starters, there should be a level requirement for buying Celestia treasure cards. Or just some of the treasures cards and not all. Only the ones that give access to your hgher spells. This is kinda like trading your enchanted stormzillas, tritans, and whatever high spells you have to someone else that doesn't otherwise have access to cause of level/school restriction. As we all know, we can no longer trade those cards. But Celestia treasure card NPC allows these low levels to port in and buy them.
I don't mind low levels being IN Celestia, but buying treasure cards that can give them access to using spells like stormzilla with a high chance of critical hit is just not right. There may be other polymorphs with same issue, but not sure. This may have gone over looked and was unintended by KI, and i'm sure this will be fixed sooner or later.
PvP is ruined any way PvPers are crying so much that they messed the regular game up,so now the PvPers cant deal with the new card so they will cry until KI changes them just for the PvPers and destroy the regular game for everyone else. And yes KI will cater to the PvPers ONLY!!!
So thank you PvPers for messing up the game for the rest of us.
and if you PvPers dont like my post who cares dont read it or post on it :-P
I don't PvP, can't stand it, tried it, hated it, etc...etc... I know many of you get satisfaction from killing a real person-vs-an AI driven monster. 'It's a challenge!' But it seems to me, that a whole lot of 'good' in this game has been trash-canned to cater to the kill-kill-kill crowd who only like the challenge if they always win. Some challenge. I agree with Mr. Bear up there in that PvP should either be a seperate game, or limit the use of treasure cards to your own school(s) Stop taking any strength advantage the quest players have over the monsters just because you are getting beat-up in PvP. You cry because you are getting beat in the arena. The arena that has no effect on the game. Those that don't PvP are crying because you keep getting the good stuff taken away that was keeping us alive in the game. Nobody loses if we get to use those advantages on monsters and bosses, so why do they have to keep getting taken away from the quest players? Which one is more essential? Apparently KI has sided with the PvP crowd. Focus on the useless. Sad.
Well the way i see it is if you don't like the use of polymorph or any other treasure cards in pvp then don't pvp. The use of these cards does not affect anyone because all they have to do is get some of the cards themselves and that makes it fair again. I am tired of so many people like most of you complaining about treasure cards in pvp, I mean seriously what does it matter it is a game and people can play the way they want. So, back to my previous comment, if you don't like the use of treasure cards then don't pvp it is that simple.