As most of us have experienced with Celestia by now. The enchant card "gargantuan" gives +250, a upgraded monstrous as you may call it. With this, a triton can be easily enchanted to do 1100 base damage, and lets not get started with the damage that the level 58 spells can cause with that enchant card. For questing, the card is a blessing, however for PvP players, I think it's about time we get some better gear to be able to live through some of these spells, I do think most of the PvP fans would agree with me. Also some new ranks past Warlord would be a great addition as well. Example can be:
By making the rank warlord and the amount of tickets needed to get a complete set 4500 Tickets, PvP fans will not run out of things to do so quickly and they would have really had to earn it to achieve Warlord and the amount of 4500 Tickets. As far as the stats go, I believe a base resist of 40-45% would be fair with all the new buffs, spells, and enchantment cards.
As an addition to make sure PvP matches would stay fair. Players who go below Warlord cannot go into a PvP match wearing this Warlord gear. This way it keeps people who rank down from facing people with no gear who are trying to rank up. I believe most of the PvP community would love this addition so we keep playing Wizards and we have more to do. As for taking the time to write this, it took awhile to review what I wrote and make sure I considered what the non-geared and geared players around arena agree with and would like to see added to the PvP arena to make the game more suitable and enjoyable for us.
in accordance to the new spells i believe we need a new arena rank.. i believe the rank of grand champion would be sufficient the costs of its gear would of course be much greater between 10,000 & 20,000 tickets
This whole resist and attack boost stuff to gear just goes up and up and up. We don't need any more resist. Some people already are near 50% resist with their defender pigs, dagger heart steel blade and current commander gear.
If all these boosts to our defenses and attack just keep going up, defending will become increasingly important and increasingly difficult, to the point where a lot of defenses will require stacking. Have any of you even seen the new storm gear attack boost? over 60%!! (all this whining about wild bolt and yet with gear this powerful it doesn't even matter anymore.)This makes tower shield completely useless and even threatens volcanic shield. Even deaths attacks are over 50% with new gear. Now it is good we are having these attack boosts, but defending now looks as if it is in jeopardy. And with the new wand and pip thing about. We pretty much could find ourselves focusing more on blitzing the matches, forcing every school to function as fire or storm.
KI Needs to put some new arena gear in ASAP. The idea of giving more powerful spells, more hit, criticals, and more boosts, and no better defenses are basically making us that play arena get one shotted from purely luck. Such as a crit leviathan with 1 storm blade and 60% hit completely takes over anyone with 45% resist and below. Even ice level 58 gear beats arena gear and their health it crazy high. Can we get some new arena gear please KI? and make it so people cant use gear if their below the rank required so they'll quit ranking down everytime they hit commander.
I have had storm hits go crit through a 70% shield with full warlord arena gear kill me in one round. However, the worst in the arena by far is ice. I had an ice with 2 blades and the ice bubble up do over 700 damage per round and of course shields are eaten up quickly. If a team goes first and has a myth it is practically a guarantee that the game is over in 3 rounds with all the massive damage and criticals. Skill and strategy is completely out the door now.
I'm "Officialy" on PVP strike till the horse outside the arena has some new gear in his saddlebag. Some new pendants and pets would be nice too. Does anyone know for sure if this will happen (new arena gear) cuz i'm getting bored with never playing pvp anymore.
Me and a couple friends are trying different games simply because KI has ruined PvP with the critical strike, cloak foolishness, damage completely exceeds health and you have you give critical strike? my friend has 80% storm hit, is that not enough? They may be losing 15+ players really soon if something isn't done for arena gear...