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Guys Scream Like Girls!!!!! 0.o

Nov 25, 2009
I was fighting the Storm Lord in the PLaza of Conquest in DS with my friend in who which is a boy and almost every time he got attacked he sounded like a girl when he got hit not wat the boys sound like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this a glich????

P.s My other friend noticed this 2 so its not just me so dont call me CRAZY :D :D

Sep 11, 2010
It seems to me, based on what information I have gleaned from other sites and gotten from friends, that a character will make the same 'damage' noise as you do.

So if your character is female, the other players will make feminine grunts. If the character is male, the other players have male voices. If the player is polymorphed into, say, a Gobbler, the other players will sound like gobblers.

Jun 25, 2009
guess who's crafting their watchtower hall until the bug is fixed uh ya me!

hunter legendwraith level54 necromancer

Jan 25, 2010
lol I am a female, so the other players sound like girls. When I polymorph into gobbler, mander, ect they sound like a gobbler, mander, ect. Funny

Jan 25, 2010
I used the Polymorph to turn into a Fire School Draconian and then suddenly both I and the player I was fighting with were making the Draconian damage sounds.

Ok for me, I'm the Drac, not the other guy, lol.