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Items needed to finish quests

Jun 03, 2009
When sent after items in CL say well anything really I have seen and had this happen EVERYWHERE! when you try and get the things you need to complete a quest example (bark ) from trees. And your solo you get NOTHING and have to fight the same enemies over and over till your mind is NUMB with bordom trying to get these things to finish ONE stinking quest COME ON KI! who would think EVER think that was FUN? We are Forced to play with those we do not know in order to get maybe ONE thing of 6 or 8 thats needed to finish a quest lets get real shall we. I'm Not asking to zip through CL I do enjoy it or at least I'm trying to but this is TO MUCH to ask of your PAYING customers

May 20, 2010
I just looked outside.

The sun is up. Children are playing. The neighbor is out walking his dog. Cars go by on the street.

People are going about their business in blissful ignorance of the supposed horrible injustice that KingsIsle has bestowed upon you.

Celestia is tough for a reason. KingsIsle doesn't want the die-hards to finish it in a month on all six of their characters, then whine about how there's nothing to do, after which they beg for another world to come out.

I suppose it's just a matter of time before the "it's too tough" complainers will get KingsIsle to start nerfing (making simpler) Celestia, much like most of the rest of the game has been nerfed.

Like I suggested once, they should have two sets of realms: Easy and Normal. Let those who want to blitz through everything play on the Easy (Kindergarten) world, while the rest of us, the ones who like a challenge, play on the normal world. The difference would be that those who completed any quests on the Easy world would get a flag put over their heads for everybody else to see if they logged onto a Normal world: something like a dunce cap, or maybe a little icon of a baby crying. The only way to remove it would be to redo all the Easy World quests on the Normal world.