i have an acount and ive been playing pretty long but my brother just started playing and he wants to play on my acount we have 2 computers so i figured we could play at the same time but whenever i log in he logs out and the same for me what do i do
If your parents are cool (like my son and daughters' father ) they would set up a family account with a credit card, costs only $6.95/month/account or about $14 a month, its a heck of a deal.
The four of us share two accounts. Only downsides are can't all four be logged in, and we cannot have the experience of training a character of each school. Many upsides, especially now that more items can be put in the Shared Bank.
Just tell them to get rid of cable TV . Hey at least you have to interact and think.
Then when you want a Crowns Item, scope out the gift cards for a pet you would like and get that gift card - just remember, the pet you get depends upon the month you redeem, not when you purchase!