I hate farming for gear. I do it though. Another poster suggested going over to chest and paying to change the school of an item you won. I would love that ability. I hope KI will eventually make the No Trade/no Auction items No Auction only.
I have three characters. Farming for all that gear will take hours upon hours. I am not lucky so even last chance chests don't help. LOL
agree, i have a grand life wizard and i got his lvl58 hat and i wanted to put it on my grand dude but its "no trade". I absolutly hate the no trade thing.
What a bunch of whiners!! Try fighting the bosses alone, number one.. I fought Astraeus 7 times before he dropped my boots. 13 times to get my hat. I just started farming Ptolemos, and have fought him 9 times so far.. For all of you saying you farmed him 100 or 200 or 300 times, and he hasn't dropped your items, I say that is non-sense.. Keep a log of how many times you have fought before going and making outrageous statements. I keep a log so I know how many times I have fought.. There is about an hour invested into fighting the first 2 bosses. Like I said before- Try fighting alone, and you might get your stuff.
What a bunch of whiners!! Try fighting the bosses alone, number one.. I fought Astraeus 7 times before he dropped my boots. 13 times to get my hat. I just started farming Ptolemos, and have fought him 9 times so far.. For all of you saying you farmed him 100 or 200 or 300 times, and he hasn't dropped your items, I say that is non-sense.. Keep a log of how many times you have fought before going and making outrageous statements. I keep a log so I know how many times I have fought.. There is about an hour invested into fighting the first 2 bosses. Like I said before- Try fighting alone, and you might get your stuff.
What you are saying are complete and utter nonsense. It doesn't matter if you fight the bosses alone or in a group, it has absolutely no outcome on the drops.
And it's not outrages statements. As a person with an Idedic memory i can tell you with absolute certainty that i've gone through test of spheres over 200 times before i had complete gear on my balance running 2 account with my GFs storm.
She is still missing one piece and we have 2 more wizards each becomming 60 too within the week and i DO NOT look forward to the prospect of doing this again an aprox of 400 times more it's just redicules and has zero fun factor.
What a bunch of whiners!! Try fighting the bosses alone, number one.. I fought Astraeus 7 times before he dropped my boots. 13 times to get my hat. I just started farming Ptolemos, and have fought him 9 times so far.. For all of you saying you farmed him 100 or 200 or 300 times, and he hasn't dropped your items, I say that is non-sense.. Keep a log of how many times you have fought before going and making outrageous statements. I keep a log so I know how many times I have fought.. There is about an hour invested into fighting the first 2 bosses. Like I said before- Try fighting alone, and you might get your stuff.
What you are saying are complete and utter nonsense. It doesn't matter if you fight the bosses alone or in a group, it has absolutely no outcome on the drops.
And it's not outrages statements. As a person with an Idedic memory i can tell you with absolute certainty that i've gone through test of spheres over 200 times before i had complete gear on my balance running 2 account with my GFs storm.
She is still missing one piece and we have 2 more wizards each becomming 60 too within the week and i DO NOT look forward to the prospect of doing this again an aprox of 400 times more it's just redicules and has zero fun factor.
While I'm not disputing you numbers, I fail to see how eidetic (which is how its spelled) memory has anything to do with the memorization of the absolute number of iterations performed on a quest. While people with eidetic memory often can remember great detail about a picture or a sequence of events, there is nothing to indicate that it enhances mathematical acuity. Everyone's memory is immediately tainted by emotions and other symbolic information at the moment at which it is transferred to the neurological equivalent of long term storage. That's just how it is. Eidetic memory or no, it is a reasonable suggestion to keep a log to justify your numbers.
This of course isn't to say that the previous poster is correct either. When I was farming Yeva for a piece of my ice gear, I had to hit her 97 times before I finally got it. Sometimes you're just on the wrong end of probability.
I think the No Auction should be there, it makes sense that rare boss drops items shouldn't be easily obtained from the bazaar. However, just because you get a robe you wanted on a different wizard, you should still be able to trade it to another wizard. You are still working to get the robe, just on a different wizard. Also, particularly if you are farming for lvl 58+ robes, chances are if you use another wizard, it will be more or less lvl 58, you wouldn't get a huge advantage if it was just 1 or 2 level higher. If you are farming for MooShu no auction/trade, well, you can get a higher level wizard to farm it and trade, and that's when I think the no trade should take place.
Who are you to call anyone a whiner? How do you know we haven't been keeping logs. I for one know that since my Storm was Legendary on the second day it was live, and I farmed him about 10 times a day before getting tired of it, and did this for about 10 days that I did fight him about 100 times before any storm gear dropped.
If you're actually keeping a log then you are really anal retentive, as why would you even bother to do that? Guess you should find some friends to fight him with so it doesn't take you so long (I go in with another storm legendary and we finish astraeus off in about 10 minutes, maybe less, that's 6 fights an hour), or are you one of those people who think that fighting him alone will give you a better chance? Like those wizards who state "I got the boss" thinking that if you apply the killing blow you will get something better...
jakehjk3 wrote:
What a bunch of whiners!! Try fighting the bosses alone, number one.. I fought Astraeus 7 times before he dropped my boots. 13 times to get my hat. I just started farming Ptolemos, and have fought him 9 times so far.. For all of you saying you farmed him 100 or 200 or 300 times, and he hasn't dropped your items, I say that is non-sense.. Keep a log of how many times you have fought before going and making outrageous statements. I keep a log so I know how many times I have fought.. There is about an hour invested into fighting the first 2 bosses. Like I said before- Try fighting alone, and you might get your stuff.
It really doesn't make sense why KI made the "No trade, No Auction." I understand about the auction part, but why no trade? I cant find any of my Ultimate gear because of this! I have been farming the Sanctum, Cuthalla, and Marcio. I can't find any of it. Yes I agree to add chests to Mithraya, Ptolemos, and Astraeus. ~Wolf Battlethorn Legendary Sorcerer
Well I have to agree with changing back the no trade but leaving no auction as is. I remember fighting Snowcrusher and Yeva for days and days on end for gear on my first Grand (which did come in handy later though) to always get all the other schools but the one farming.
The way I see it, if I'm farming on one of my girls and get something I need on one of my others, its all on the same account, they should be able to trade back and forth. Its not like I am trying to trade it with a friend, its still me.
The lever comment was a good suggestion as well, along with the chest. Mind you for me I am still batting a zero % on getting what I need from the chests.
I did notice that each time I got one of my grand to Legend and was farming for gear there was always someone who got what they needed the first time around. That gets frustrating especially when they rub it in. Reminds me of the 2 weeks farming Demon Gurtok for Ianthine Spectre just to watch the very low levels come running in from God knows where and after removing all my traps and feints with wand attacks get the pet and run around me for awhile showing it off. Very frustrating indeed.
So yes it would be nice to change the no trade on 58 gear or at least make the drop a little more reasonable. Like since there is 7 schools, make it a 1 in 7 chances you get what you need. Makes sense to me!
One more thing, people please keep the negative rude comments out of the forums we are all here for the same reasons, to express our opinions about things in the game we would like to see improved or removed. There are children in these forums as well, what are we teaching them?
another good thing would be to have a chest for the trial bosses. i never had farming problems, on i storm i was really lucky. and on my fire i just used the chests. but in cl it is impossible to get the stuff i need.
i think nothing should be no trade except the furniture that comes with the dorms because people could make new wizards and take those things and sell them then delete the wizard
i have to second it, i have been getting good lvl 58 items but i can never use them
have been saving one of these types when i find them though in case they change the no trade although things like the Orrik nightglider's rings i think kinda should stay no trade and no auction
i know and since they are no auction you cant even sell these items for a good amount of gold!
I don't plan to farm Celestia at all. Not like I tried in Dragonspyre. When I saw that DS gear was basically one step above useless in Celestia, that was when I knew the same would happen to Celestia gear. Not going to do it.
i have played rpgs all my life, and love them till death. but wizard101 trully takes the cake. i dont think i have played a game where i gain more frustration than enjoyment out of it. The whole farming issue here is trully insane that has me shaking my head everything i am fighting a boss. My question is whats with the low frequency drop rate first of all. and second you mean to tell me that i am a week into trying to get my lvl 58 death ring but get my death ring on my balance over 4 times and i cant put it in the share bank? Seriously kingsisle need to get real and stop ripping us off when we are giving them out hardwork, time and money. My suggestion is this either a fair increase frequency drop with not trade no aution or low drop rate with no aution. there are to many limitions and restricions in this game and i am tired of have that " i am getting nowhere feeling" i dont mind working hard for progress but this is trully insane. better gaming experience and less frustration is what i want. i Have played many games where i have to farm for hr and even days before i got what i want. but its trully a shame to hear when i read these forums and i get comments like " it took me 4 months to get krasys boots of retreat" or i" this is my 100th time in the test of spheres. i mean i feel the frustration and the patience running out on these subscribers. I never even tried farming for my boot robe or hat because i know its gonna be to time consuming fighting the same boss over 10 times. i am 19 and i swear i tell myself i will be 21 by the time i get my death ring. it feels impossibe.
I don't plan to farm Celestia at all. Not like I tried in Dragonspyre. When I saw that DS gear was basically one step above useless in Celestia, that was when I knew the same would happen to Celestia gear. Not going to do it.
I agree with this. Once you get the good gear great. You already did all the hard work. Unless you do pvp what is the point? They should offer the really good gear midpoint 55. At least you get some use out of it..
I have to put MY two cents in on this post because I have been saying this for quite a while: NO TRADE,NO AUCTION is redundant and should be abolished. You simply cannot get a gear without fighting for it especially top gear. So, why can't you trade it amongst your wizards? Right now i have a level 58 Ice robe on my level 58 myth wizard, needless to say, my myth doesn't know what his robe looks like.
i also notice that everybody just dropping snacks and less gear. Can you imagine fighting the Hoarder and all you get is a bone? Now, seriously! A bone! This hoarder is suppose to have my gear and all I get from two fights is a bone and a gummy frog or something like that!
This is no funny, why are mobs dropping more snakcs than they are gear? The worst part is they are not even dropping rank 9 snacks because that wouldn't be so bad, if you get 20 of those you can pretty much level a pet to ancient but seriously, a bone!
Anyways, for those of you who are grandmaster crafter, you'd be better served crafting the level 55 gear in celestia because the level 58 is a joke. No resist for your school and your critical rating is less, and sometimes less health too.
The level 58 gear will become tradable after the new world is released and by that time it is of no use to your wizards lol.
The thing about gear is that you change it for every 5 level so what's the big idea? Most people have abandoned their level 50 malistaire robes that they had spent weeks and months farming lol because they are outdated, the same will happen to the celestia gear so what gives? let us have the gear already so that we can enjoy the benefits for at least a week.
You'll soon release another world and then what? who is going to be wearing their moon cover hat? lol Gives us abreak KI, the constant fizzles and tower shield spamming, and the new curse spamming and 90% citical hit of bosses is already very frustrating, not to mention the grnadmaster crafting, anyways, I digress. We just need a break on something, please. When do we get a break?
Good patch today, fixed most issues, now we only need to make retrain avalible for gold instead the super rediculess 7000+ crown prize and we are almost there.
Well big thank you to KingsIsle for removing NO TRADE, NO AUCTION. Huge thanks again for removing the tower shield spamming especially from thyose Crustacean waverrunners (they still give me a hard time though). Thank you for put back polymorph treant at the Archivist. What else?
Thank you for listening to our constant whining and complaining and doing so actively. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Oh thank you for fixing the critical especially the block, i was blocking criticals left right and centre today (woot).
Quick question though, what happened to Cuthalla? lol Ok maybe he needed to be cut down a little but wow! he's too easy, give him more health or something. anyways, i just started checking out the changes so not much to say except thanks for listening to us.
Um anyone knows where the Celestian house and equipent are?
Every-one posting is exactly right. It is way to hard to get the gear we need. Considring it is in the test of spheres, it is very hard to get are gear! We have to fight two cheating bosses, not get the gear we want and then restart. It is annoying! But whoever i would not go as far as stop playing. And for the limits to no trade and no auction, it is pretty ridiculous. So you all are partily right, but are going to far with quitting this game.
James, Necromaner lvl 60 Steve FrostHunter,thermature lvl 49
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
Recently I was fighting Astraeus to get my lvl 58 storm gear, and when I got the robe(Tempest Robe), the stats are right, but it is not NO AUCTION or NO TRADE. This is also the case with my lvl 58 storm boots(Tempest Trackers).
The only reason I am posting about this, is because there are posts in the forum with lists that show these items, and the picture/list says it is NO AUCTION and NO TRADE. Do I have the wrong items? It's the same as in the picture on that one thread with all the pictures, is KI just full of bugs and errors or what? What is going on???????
Also I wanted to mention that my friend is wearing her lvl 58 school-specific gear, which she says hold the tag of NO AUCTION and NO TRADE.
However, when I view her stats from the panel on my screen, and I view her items, there is no tag for EITHER. She says they are, I can not see it. Again, is this just a bug/error in the game? Why does this happen? Thanks again.
This is silly, the game is extremely easy and there is VERY LITTLE DIFFICULTY. All it takes is time, like any online video game that involves "achievements" such as collecting your level 58 school equipment. There might be a lot of stuff to think about complaining about, but the difficulty of anything in the game should never be discussed, for is it set on VERY EASY. Spend the time to get what you want out of it.
KANE(Legendary Storm)
jameslc99 wrote:
Every-one posting is exactly right. It is way to hard to get the gear we need. Considring it is in the test of spheres, it is very hard to get are gear! We have to fight two cheating bosses, not get the gear we want and then restart. It is annoying! But whoever i would not go as far as stop playing. And for the limits to no trade and no auction, it is pretty ridiculous. So you all are partily right, but are going to far with quitting this game.
James, Necromaner lvl 60 Steve FrostHunter,thermature lvl 49
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
Also I wanted to mention that my friend is wearing her lvl 58 school-specific gear, which she says hold the tag of NO AUCTION and NO TRADE.
However, when I view her stats from the panel on my screen, and I view her items, there is no tag for EITHER. She says they are, I can not see it. Again, is this just a bug/error in the game? Why does this happen? Thanks again.
Kane(Legendary Storm)
KI took the No Trade/No Auction off the Level 58 gear. I have seen it for sale in the Bazaar. The only other thing I can think of is your friend stitched her gear gear. No that case it is definitely No Auction and I believe it may be No Trade.
Recently I was fighting Astraeus to get my lvl 58 storm gear, and when I got the robe(Tempest Robe), the stats are right, but it is not NO AUCTION or NO TRADE. This is also the case with my lvl 58 storm boots(Tempest Trackers).
The only reason I am posting about this, is because there are posts in the forum with lists that show these items, and the picture/list says it is NO AUCTION and NO TRADE. Do I have the wrong items? It's the same as in the picture on that one thread with all the pictures, is KI just full of bugs and errors or what? What is going on???????
Kane(Legendary Storm)
um NO TRADE NO AUCTION was removed from Celestian lvl 58 gear in one of the recent updates. Now you can sell them at the bazaar and trade them amongst your wizards.