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What do you think of low level PvP complaints

Aug 21, 2009
I am simply amazed at how many people are complaining that after they become high level they then make very low level characters to play PvP with and then complain about who they go up against and beg Wizard101 to change stuff in the game so that their level 5 characters can win easier.

First off, if you are high level and need to make a low level character in order to PvP, you need to take a serious look at yourself and ask what it is that you are doing so wrong that you can't do at all well with your high level characters in PvP. That you then try to make low level characters to level up in PvP is very sad, but when you fail to do well at both the higher and lower levels please don't demand Wizard101 to change things based solely on your inability to win (there are a lot of reasons to be complaining about the current PvP system of play, but losing in PvP as a level 5 character looking for easier wins than your grandmaster and legendary characters can obtain, just isn't a good reason for demanding Wizard101 to change things for you).

Apr 29, 2010
Dec 21, 2008
Have people been complaining about fighting low level wizards in PvP already?

Aug 21, 2009
Rihanna12 wrote:
Have people been complaining about fighting low level wizards in PvP already?

low level PvP players, like level 5 players, kept writing stuff demanded the game to be changed so that they could win more and remain at warlard status. Why should the game be changed for level 5 players who don't even have access to learning decent cards?

May 30, 2009
Just curious...It's ok to complain about being beaten because you go second but not if you are a low level going against a grandmaster? It's ok to complain that you are getting killed because you can't get a spell off because of dispels but not ok to complain about lower levels using polymorphs in the arena? It's ok to complain about being beaten by a player using Judgment but not ok to complain the problems of the current ranking system?Just trying to understand what exactly is going through your head here. Sounds to me like you have a double standard about what is ok (in your opinion) in the arena and what isn't.

Dec 21, 2008
I do most of my pvp at a low lvl cause it easy. Everyone is evened out. Everyone just uses the same wand spells. I think of low lvl pvp as vacation from unfairness. And no, low lvl pvp wiz's dont complain just to get better. I would say 50% of warlord did a lot of pvp as like lvl 1-15.

Oct 22, 2009
akifoniq99 wrote:
I do most of my pvp at a low lvl cause it easy. Everyone is evened out. Everyone just uses the same wand spells. I think of low lvl pvp as vacation from unfairness. And no, low lvl pvp wiz's dont complain just to get better. I would say 50% of warlord did a lot of pvp as like lvl 1-15.

Agreed. When I was getting my level 5 Fire her commander gear, I only had to fight mid 20's, so a level 5 will never have to fight a grand in ranked unless paired up with another low level.

Dec 21, 2008
asutton75 wrote:
Just curious...It's ok to complain about being beaten because you go second but not if you are a low level going against a grandmaster? It's ok to complain that you are getting killed because you can't get a spell off because of dispels but not ok to complain about lower levels using polymorphs in the arena? It's ok to complain about being beaten by a player using Judgment but not ok to complain the problems of the current ranking system?Just trying to understand what exactly is going through your head here. Sounds to me like you have a double standard about what is ok (in your opinion) in the arena and what isn't.

Oh my gosh! When Caroline Sunbright was level 26, I went in a match against 3 grandmasters and it was a 3v3. And I came out of there screaming, litterally.

Jun 29, 2010
PVP stinks. It's gotten so the super powerful players take a sick pride in battling everyone else below them. By BATTLE I mean not attacking for 10 mins until the have a dozen pips then hitting with a 3000 point attack. What's the point in that. A battle is a back and fourth interacting not a pip saving contest! I am protesting and boycotting PVP! Join me brothers and sisters!

Oct 24, 2010
The complaints are completely valid when they revolve around massive damage dealing pets passed down from higher level wizards and the use of polymorph (and potentially other treasure cards). You have to be a high level to have a reasonable chance against these -- otherwise it's not really even worth sticking around for the match.

The treasure card issue could be remedied easily were that decision made. Pets would probably be more difficult. There is zero chance that things like crown gear would be banned (KI's gotta make their money).

May 27, 2010
crossfire444 wrote:
PVP stinks. It's gotten so the super powerful players take a sick pride in battling everyone else below them. By BATTLE I mean not attacking for 10 mins until the have a dozen pips then hitting with a 3000 point attack. What's the point in that. A battle is a back and fourth interacting not a pip saving contest! I am protesting and boycotting PVP! Join me brothers and sisters!

Down with PvP! It is just ruining all the fun in the game because of low lvl complainers. I see nothing good coming to the game from pvp which why i SAY DOWN WITH PVP :ROCK:

Jun 06, 2009
asutton75 wrote:
Just curious...It's ok to complain about being beaten because you go second but not if you are a low level going against a grandmaster? It's ok to complain that you are getting killed because you can't get a spell off because of dispels but not ok to complain about lower levels using polymorphs in the arena? It's ok to complain about being beaten by a player using Judgment but not ok to complain the problems of the current ranking system?Just trying to understand what exactly is going through your head here. Sounds to me like you have a double standard about what is ok (in your opinion) in the arena and what isn't.

I'll make it simple. In seasnake's mind, IT'S OKAY TO COMPLAIN IF HE'LL BENEFIT IF KINGSISLE FOLLOWS THROUGH. In other words, complaining about Judgement is okay, because the nerfing of Judgement will require him to think less and strategize more poorly. It's not okay to want PvP to be by Rank instead of Level because then, he'll have to face better opponents. You see?

As for seasnake's original question: no, complaints about PvP made by new players don't bother me. What does bother me is people whining about specific Schools or Spells because their pitiful strategizing skills can't handle them.