After the Celestia update heckhound now shows 130 damage per round. And when i casted it i did 108 damage on the first turn that it hit. Is this a bug. And oh i have full grandmaster gear. Is this is what is supossed to happen.
I can't go in-world to check this at the moment, but I do know that the spell you learn is a DoT (damage over time) spell. The original spell was 120 damage PER PIP spread over three rounds. If you are wearing any gear that boosts your fire damage or used any traps or blades, that will also add to the base damage.
So if you cast heckhound when you had 2 regular pips or 1 power pip, that would give:
base damage: 260 boost of 25%: 65 (either through your gear or by using a fire trap) total damage: 325 (split over 3 rounds, that's 108 damage per round)
I hadn't noticed that it was changed from 120 per pip to 130 per pip though. I rarely use heckhound anymore.