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Cant play with one of my characters

Mar 31, 2010
Hello wizards ihave a very strange issue with the game... :(
Last night i closed the game at marleybone, in the hat store i think its called

"Hairless Hughes Hats " i am not so sure. But when i log in and press play
at the character selection screen the game closes. :(. I tried again with my other characters and it worked perfectly. Please answer. That character has very valuable items i wouldnt want to lose

Jesse Raven
Legendary Theurgist (60)

Please submit a help ticket to Mr Lincoln through email at support@wizard101.com

Before you submit a ticket, make sure that the email address associated with your Wizard101 account is valid and that you can check email at that address!

Tickets can take up to 48 hours to receive a response and duplicate tickets can slow the whole process down. When you contact support, please ensure that you give us:
  • the account name
  • the character name
  • as much information about what you encountered as you can

NEVER send us:
  • your password
  • your credit card information

The more information you give up front, the faster your ticket can be resolved.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
May 12, 2010
k can some one help me a tried to log in to my person and i hit play and it took me out o wizard 101 it make no since please help guys :(

flameway wrote:
k can some one help me a tried to log in to my person and i hit play and it took me out o wizard 101 it make no since please help guys :(

Please follow the directions in the post directly above yours, young Wizard.

Jun 14, 2009
flameway wrote:
k can some one help me a tried to log in to my person and i hit play and it took me out o wizard 101 it make no since please help guys :(

What time of day where you playing and was it on the weekend? If it was during the late afternoons/evening hours, the servers all may have been full or crowded when you logged in. Just keep trying to log in. If you continue to have problems contact Mr. Lincoln.