Is this supposed to work this way ? I cast a healing hands spell successfully on a friend who had been defeated in combat (it was just 2 of us against the Celestia sharks) and the icon came up and rotated around his character for 3 or 4 rounds before I won the battle. During that time, never did he receive health back. Thanks
If your talking about the Regenerate spell, that shows the Hand with the Finger pointing down from the cloud, it does not work on someone who is already defeated. You must cast it on them while they are still alive.
Actually REGENERATE does work on defeated players, however HELPING HANDS, the Balance spell, does not give any health on the first turn, and therefore cannot heal a defeated player.
Actually REGENERATE does work on defeated players, however HELPING HANDS, the Balance spell, does not give any health on the first turn, and therefore cannot heal a defeated player.