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Wizard 101 Turns Off My Laptop?

Mar 19, 2009
I know it sounds weird (is it even possible?), but the only time it happens is when I'm running Wizard 101, and then only when I'm in a battle. Suddenly my computer will just turn itself off. I have to hit the power button and I get the notice that Windows shut down abnormally. After finishing the boot (and restarting the game), I am put back in the battle in progress.

I haven't kept track of how long I play before it happens, but I would guess it's about half an hour or so of straight battle. Most recently it was during a battle with Jado Oni. Last night, it took two house or so to defeat him, with my laptop turning off two or three times, then again this morning after an hour long battle (again defeating him) with one trun off during.

Not sure of it's related, but in both cases of defeating Jade Oni, the game doesn't seem to recognize that I did in fact defeat him. I have a post on this in the Mooshu topic area.

I asked Mr Lincoln what could be happening and he asked me to pass along this message:

Hi There!

I do understand the frustration! What I found, after a whole lot of fidgeting and puttering - my video card wasn't cool enough. Wizard101 is a fairly high graphical intensity game and requires video cards to work pretty hard - which means they can overheat fairly easily. For whatever reason, it seems they reduce their tolerance to heat over time. To fix this problem I would like you to try this - ensure your hard drive is very, very well ventilated. If you're running a laptop, make sure the back is raised up on something so that air can flow underneath the laptop. If you can, put a fan by it, anything to increase cooler airflow. Then, for added good measure, set the resolution as low as you can (800x600).

Just give that try and see if it doesn't alleviate most of your troubles.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.