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Missing Dorm Room Furniture

Oct 30, 2010
I have three characters on my account, two girls and a boy. My two girls dorm room came with a few basic furniture items. My boys room had nothing. I've checked the attic, bank and backpack and nothing. Now I don't know if he should have furniture or the girls shouldn't. If it's correct as is it seems gender biased (lol). Where is my boys furniture? He is tired after a busy day killing monsters and needs rest..

My house seems to be missing carpet on the landing of the stairs with the red carpet. The "flooring" there looks like quarter inch plywood a car has been parked on. I checked the preview home and it shows the same problem,. I can't believe it was done like that on purpose. This is the larger of the first homes available in Wizard City. Many items that should be placed on top of furniture will not go on furniture. I wonder if someone is working away on that. If you are ...fun job.

Can you tell I love the House and Furniture part of the game? It was the tipping point to decide to subscribe for me.

Jun 05, 2010
I also love decorating my house and i found actualy a different problem. I picked up my furniture and i wanted to move it to my bank for my other account to have more furniture, but it wouldnt go in the bank. Like you, none of the boys on my accounts' could put anything in the bank. (its like they think i dont want boys furniture because it might have cooties )

:3D Maddz117

Jan 01, 2010
Okay, this is pretty funny (I love the boy cooties suggestion).

I have only boy wizards but they all came with furniture in the dorm room so they do get to rest after a long day. Also, I have at least 10 houses among my 6 wizards and they all look like they are supposed to in the preview. Maybe you have some weird bug. But you know, if your house is unique, that's cool!

As for placing things on top of furniture, this can be annoying. Not sure how it is programed, but not everything fits where you think it should. And some things work that you wouldn't think would (you can place books on beds for example). You'll have to try out diffeent things to see what works.

I too love the houses! Have fun!

Sep 11, 2010
I have had furniture missing from BOTH boys and girls dorm rooms.

It appears to be connected to making changes in the room PRIOR to the Stork (Mr. Lincoln) telling you your room is ready OR entering the room BEFORE a quest (ex. Eudora's Crafting quest) sends you there.

The furniture CAN be placed in the Attic, but I suspect too many people were creating new wizards just to bank the furniture or sell it outright to provide a grub stake for another character that they (KI) had to do something to close the exploit.

The spread of cooties, btw, is most usually caused by the sharing of hats, pillows, combs, brushes, berettes and other accessories that come in contact with the hair ... if you want to stay away from cooties, you got to leave the dirty girls alone.

Speaking of which ... lmho ... talk about the quickest way to lose some furniture ...;)