it occured to me when i got a high level life spell i think it was natures wrath i looked at a storm spell which was for low levels and i could do more damage than my high level life spell could wizard 101 add more attack points to life plz
it occured to me when i got a high level life spell i think it was natures wrath i looked at a storm spell which was for low levels and i could do more damage than my high level life spell could wizard 101 add more attack points to life plz
I've played both life and storm and my life has always done great damage. With a centaur I would hit bosses with it at around +400% damage when using blades and traps and do so quite quickly. My only complaint about actually playing life was the lack of a multi attack, and life does get one late in the game at level 58 (currently a level that is a bit late to make much in game use of it).
Life isn't made to do a lot of damage, life is ment to heal, and do small attacks. U hav enough health to do it, u rnt suposed to one hit kill. Storm is ment to one. Hit kill, storms can't last long enough to attack small. I hav a life wiz, and a storm wiz. Like I said, u r ment to last long and slowly beat down the enemy. Last long includeds ur healing btw. If u want a fast battle make a storm. I understand that life isn't strong power wise, but u guys hav high health and a lot of healing. Somthin that culd help if u want stronger spells on ur life, train in storm (or fire)