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Is there a sword you can get at a low level?

Oct 24, 2009
hi there, is there a sword that you can get at a lower level than 40 (the minimum level for a sword wand). (could you get one from the wizard 101 central? Thanks!

Ian ghostblade

May 15, 2009
there is a couple swords, but most were from an event or card or a card from a pet
i have a sword called the valor sword which was from last year's veteran's day event
so besides from a few events here and there, but i also think the amytheist blade from the jade oni is 35+
although i am not sure :)
so..... i dunno hehe =P

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
raleigh35 wrote:
hi there, is there a sword that you can get at a lower level than 40 (the minimum level for a sword wand). (could you get one from the wizard 101 central? Thanks!

Ian ghostblade

Yes, there are some available from back issues of Beckett magazine. My favorite is the Umbra Sword, no level requirement. 5 or 6 cards (I forget at the moment), and 70 or 75 damage. It gives the sword movement. There is also a hammer that does the same stats, but does myth damage and sword movement.

Just go to the Beckett site and look for the Massive Online Gamer, then go to back issues.

Dec 13, 2009
I would say, no. The only swords you can get under level 10 is the Beckett and Wizard101 Contest. Thats all I can say. All the other swords you can get are either level 40+
~Mark Rubythief Level 60 Pyromancer~
"Light up a fire in your heart"

Oct 24, 2009
Mar 14, 2010
You can buy a crowns only item that isn't a "sword" but it is only level 25, gives you a power pip, and has five 90 fire damage cards.

Jan 25, 2010
Thechaosmagician wrote:
there is a couple swords, but most were from an event or card or a card from a pet
i have a sword called the valor sword which was from last year's veteran's day event
so besides from a few events here and there, but i also think the amytheist blade from the jade oni is 35+
although i am not sure :)
so..... i dunno hehe =P

jade oni's amethyst blade is 40+

Aug 13, 2010
My guess is all the codes once available from the magazines no longer work, so there is no way to obtain the swords of old.

Any way we can convince KI to release new ones?

Jul 06, 2010
No, I'm sorry, but you're wrong. The Amethyst Blade is for lvl 40's and UP. Thanks