I found out that people you aren't friends with can whisper to you. The thing is, I can't do back to the person who whispers me or to anyone who isn't on my friends list. Why is this? Can someone please help me?
I found out that people you aren't friends with can whisper to you. The thing is, I can't do back to the person who whispers me or to anyone who isn't on my friends list. Why is this? Can someone please help me?
Right clicking on the name in chat box only brings up their stats card. You have to left click on the name in order to whisper back to them or someone else you wish to engage in conversation.
assuming you figured out how to whisper chat to non friends, you should be VERYcareful not to bother them. i have had more than one occasion where someone kept whisper chatting me even though they werent my friends. :?
I found out that people you aren't friends with can whisper to you. The thing is, I can't do back to the person who whispers me or to anyone who isn't on my friends list. Why is this? Can someone please help me?
Right clicking on the name in chat box only brings up their stats card. You have to left click on the name in order to whisper back to them or someone else you wish to engage in conversation.
Sorry, but you're wrong. Left-clicking (your normal, everyday mouse clicking) is the one that brings up their stats. It is right-clicking on the name that allows you to whisper to them.
you can no longer do that, it has been removed from the game to prevent harrassment between players.
Sorry, but you're also wrong. What has been removed is the feature where you could load a different wizard and resume a whisper that your previously loaded wizard had been doing to someone.
you can no longer do that, it has been removed from the game to prevent harrassment between players.
You are thinking of the "R" button. That button simply let you reply to another wizard who whispered to you. KI thought that it let one player harass another. Many people used it as an easy way to add friends. They whispered to you, then you got your new wizard hit "R", talked to them and added them.
The real culprit is the right click. If you speak out loud any player can right click on your name and whisper to you. This has not been fixed and truly allows for one player harassing another. If it happens to you log out then log back in.
Okay, like this.... There is a text box in the bottom of the screen (text chatters only). If someone speaks then it pops up with their name, like: Fiona Myth: Haha! You are so funny. I: Click their name with the left button of your mouse and it will pop up with 'Fiona Myth's name in pink. Then type in what you want to say and send it to 'Fiona Myth'. You: Hello! If the person sends back a message... Fiona Myth: Um, hi! Want to be friends? Then you simply click the 'r' button on the keyboard to respond. You: Of course.
Okay, like this.... There is a text box in the bottom of the screen (text chatters only). If someone speaks then it pops up with their name, like: Fiona Myth: Haha! You are so funny. I: Click their name with the left button of your mouse and it will pop up with 'Fiona Myth's name in pink. Then type in what you want to say and send it to 'Fiona Myth'. You: Hello! If the person sends back a message... Fiona Myth: Um, hi! Want to be friends? Then you simply click the 'r' button on the keyboard to respond. You: Of course.
You right click their name not left click. If you left click it will bring up their picture like when you click on a friend in your friends list.