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Balance Prism

Jan 01, 2010
This has been posted before but with the new world of Celestia, I think this needs to be raised again: Balance needs a prism! Until Celestia there were very, if any, few Balance bosses. So not having a prism wasn't that big of a deal. But now, with much more difficult bosses and many of them balance, us Balance wizards really need a prism! My Life, Death and Strom wizards solo'd Optio without much difficulty. My Balance wizard died 3 times and eventually had to call for help!

In keeping with the Balance theme, the prism could convert the balance spell into Ice, Fire or Storm randomly. And for the PVP players, this should have no impact so hopefully no one will complain!

So what about KI? Can us Balance wizards finally get a prism??? Please!!!

Aug 12, 2009
Jan 07, 2010
I don't think balance needs a prism as it already has several spells that allow it to do fire, ice, and storm damage either randomly or at once. Just build up your elemental blades and traps along with balance blades. Other schools need prisms because they must otherwise rely on secondary schools that they can't build up as much.

Dec 10, 2009
Falius wrote:
I don't think balance needs a prism as it already has several spells that allow it to do fire, ice, and storm damage either randomly or at once. Just build up your elemental blades and traps along with balance blades. Other schools need prisms because they must otherwise rely on secondary schools that they can't build up as much.

You're talking about Elemental Blast (a randomly selected elemental attack who's damage varies greatly depending on the element choosen) and Hydra (a 7 pip card). That's 2 attacks out of Balances entire arsenal. That is insufficient, especially when you consider that balance monsters are quick to put down shields. That would mean that every part of Hydra is shielded from and Elemental Blast would only take one of the shields, leaving 2 others that could come into play by use of another Elemental Blast's randomly-selected elemental attack.

Fact is, Balance is way out-matched when it comes to fighting monsters that are Balance. Balance monsters have high resistance to Balance-specific attacks and shield themselves against all the other forms. All the other schools have a prism that not only allows the wizard to bypass the monster's natural resistance, but the damage type it converts it to gets a boost due to the monster's weakness of converted damage type. Balance monsters are not weak against elemental attacks, they are weak against spirit attacks. Use of a Balance prism would convert a balance-specific attack to a generic spirit damage (since Life, Death and Myth all get the same boost in damage, a specific spirit school need not be chosen). If a spirit shield is up beforehand, all three shields are removed and damage is reduced by 50%.

Jun 06, 2009
I think a good idea would be a generic prism you can learn from Niles. It would be called "Dischordant Prism," have a minimum Level requirement of 52, and turn the next Attack into another, random School.

May 22, 2009
I recently finished Celestia with my Balance wizard. I had a blast taking her through that world. I soloed many bosses even the balance ones without the need of a prism. By using sun magic on my hydras and spectral blasts, I was able to give them a boost that hit hard. A few times, using gargantuan, elemental blades, and elemental traps, I was able to hit for almost 1000 on each head of my hydra. As for the elemental shields they sometimes use, just do what he other schools do when someone shields against their attacks...push through them or eliminate them first.

Instead of relying on judgment (the only balance damage spell that does real damage other than RA), use hydra and spectral blast to eliminate the enemies. Personally, I use judgment as a finishing move as so i don't leave myself without the pips for a follow up attack. Seldom do i use it as a main attack.

Hannah Earthbreaker Level 60 Balance

Aug 12, 2009
I think that Niles should sell Level 30 Prism Sets for Elemental and Spirit Prisms.

Aug 13, 2010
Falius wrote:
I don't think balance needs a prism as it already has several spells that allow it to do fire, ice, and storm damage either randomly or at once. Just build up your elemental blades and traps along with balance blades. Other schools need prisms because they must otherwise rely on secondary schools that they can't build up as much.

Agreed. Balance needs to have a weakness of some sort. Many Balance enemies will also carry Elemental Shield, thereby crippling our Spectral Blasts as well. I don't see Spirit Shield as often, at least not in the first three worlds.

But being nearly guaranteed to hit for neutral against all other enemies you face is an amazing privilege. And now, thanks to a recent update, Balance wizards can also take up the role of team cleric and use Helping Hands to revive fallen wizards without the need to train Life of have Treasure or Item Cards.

Right now Balance truly is a Jack of all Trades, and I think adding a Prism to overtake Balance's major weakness would, well, UnBalance the game :P

May 30, 2009
Fighting Balance bosses/monsters can be rather tricky when you're balance too. I mean, we have Spectral Blast and Hydra but those spells are quite weak unless they're heavily boosted... Even so, most Balance bosses are quick to throw up their elemental shields which ruins any plans of making a good, hard hit on them. I would love to see a Balance Prism, but what would it be converted into? A random chance of getting a Storm, Fire, or Ice hit? Hmm...

Feb 09, 2009
An awesome quest spell would be Prism. It would be Balance-specific and it would convert any magic into its opposing magic (ex: Ice to Fire, Storm to Myth, etc.), and it would convert Balance into Life, Death, or Myth magic. The quest would have to be crazy hard, but it would be worth it.

Jan 07, 2010
If your main argument for not using your spells at hand is that enemies through up elemental shields, then what would be the point of a prism that converts your spells to a school that would be blocked by elemental shields anyway? Learn to use something other than Judgment.

Oct 19, 2008
Balance has to be the least flawed school out there. All these posts I've been reading about how Spectral Blast and Hydra are useless, are nothing but lies. Well guess what you can do if they shield? USE IT AGAIN! Balance has about the highest power pip %, so you should have NO trouble getting them. As a 60 Balance, I currently have 96% Power Pip, and I don't even have my full 58 set. And if there were to be a Balance prism, it makes no sense. Balance doesn't boost on anything, but things can boost on it. You don't HAVE to use spells from the Balance school. Use spells that boost on it. I hardly ever use Judgment anymore, because there are usually more than one enemy in the battle, so I normally use Gargantuan + Ra, which does a nice amount of damage, EVEN on Balance enemies. Come on people, think of new strategies, this game wasn't meant to be easy, for in other reasons, Balance can be VERY powerful, such as PvP.

Sean Stormshard, Legendary Astral Sorcerer

Jan 01, 2010
Thanks for the replies. Curious why Balance wizards wouldn't want a prism, but leave that to them.

Just to be clear, I totally agree Balance has other spells to use. I have been using spectral blast and have been experimenting with treasure cards to utilize different combos (loading up blades/traps them morphing into storm works quite well). But my point is that we are the only school to have this particular problem. Spectral Blast can be boosted to have a greater impact but as one person noted, we nearly always have to blast through a shield so only get half the effect. And yes, I understand my suggestion of a random prism will still cause our spells to be cut in half, but cutting in half a fully loaded Justice will still result in a formidable punch.

Anyway, KI please consider the suggestion. Either way I still think Balance is awesome!

May 15, 2009
addisoncrawford wrote:
This has been posted before but with the new world of Celestia, I think this needs to be raised again: Balance needs a prism! Until Celestia there were very, if any, few Balance bosses. So not having a prism wasn't that big of a deal. But now, with much more difficult bosses and many of them balance, us Balance wizards really need a prism! My Life, Death and Strom wizards solo'd Optio without much difficulty. My Balance wizard died 3 times and eventually had to call for help!

In keeping with the Balance theme, the prism could convert the balance spell into Ice, Fire or Storm randomly. And for the PVP players, this should have no impact so hopefully no one will complain!

So what about KI? Can us Balance wizards finally get a prism??? Please!!!

I am sorry but this can't happen currently in Wizard101
mainly because all other schools have their opposites in game


balance has no polar opposite in game currently
the only partial boosts it gets are for death myth and life attacks against it
instead of adding a prism you add new spells that deal death,myth, or life damage
a spell sort of like Spectral blast
but for life like roots would burst of the ground and attack the opponent
for death skeletal hands reach up and claw at the target
for myth a large collection of myth energy will gather int he center of the duel circle and focus into a blast of energy it would look a little like the new Ra spell

let me know what you think =)

May 30, 2009
Moser wrote:
Balance has about the highest power pip %, so you should have NO trouble getting them.

I'm pretty sure all the schools start off with the same base power pip percentage and that percentage increases at the same rate for all schools as you level up. Certain gear may cause Balance to have a higher percentage, but what gear is equipped varies from wizard to wizard based on preference. So generally stating that Balance wizards have about the highest power pip % is incorrect.

Nov 14, 2009
Apr 12, 2010
I have been talking to one of my friends recently about this. I love my balance wizard. But i agree having a prism would be great. All other schools have one, they all also have a specific shield. I believe balance should get both a prism and a balance shield. The only way to defend against balance attacks is now in the form of unbalance. And I agree that a balance prism should be a random convert to the spirt side. And not just for judgement, there is also Nova. That would be great if we could use it more often. Balance resists balance spells far more than any other school resists. I have used a full 7 power pip (14pips) judgement on a balance enemy, completely boosted, and still only hit for maybe 400-500. and sometimes even less depending on the world I am in. Balance has some of the biggest disadvantages in the game. There are no balance shields, there is no prism, not until the Celestia update did we get a dispell, and our global or bubble is not for damage boost or life boost, as it is for all other schools. Ours gives power pips, to the enemies as well. Don't know about most other balance players but I am not about to give the enemies a chance to use a stronger spell on me, so I do not even use my global. People think just because we have Judgement that our school gets an advantage, but thats not true. It takes a long time to get enough pips to use a good Judgement, where most schools only need 4 pips to start casting really good spells. All we are asking for is a little help in fighting our own school.

Jul 20, 2009
Aug 13, 2010
I'm happy with the Prism but Please No Balance Shields.
It would ruin the uniqueness of the school. I think I'd rather they take my Judgment away than have a shield against us to unbalance our spells...And the game, in my opinion. If they do that, they may as well come up with Balance-only blades and traps.

The Prism is good 'cause as a Balance wizard, fighting other Balance creatures is annoying. They got shields for every outcome of your Spectral Blast, and may even carry Spirit Shield as well. I am indifferent to PVP, but right now I don't like it, the complaints from it have changed a lot of stuff for us who don't even use it.