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Wizards Leaving Battles

Jun 24, 2010
In the past few days, I have been in battles when people have joined the battle and then after two or so turns fled.

I try to avoid joining battles uninvited, tho I get too close to a monster and get drawn in. I stay to fight because it is not the other wizard's fault.

I am a solo player for a variety of reasons. Is it rude for me if someone joins my battle to flee. I understand part of fleeing in the midst of battle is losing mana. I will accept the lose because it would be my decision to leave.

I do not have a friends list and my chats are turned off. So I am at a lose as to way people join a battle and then leave me with an addtl monster type

Morgan Rainwhisper

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
Some children think it is funny to load someone up with a lot of foes then leave. It is a major lack of maturity that causes it, plus, in my opinion, a bit of evil.

May 19, 2010
I've had it happen in Celestia and its a major pain. But where there is immaturity there is a lack of rewards for finishing the fight. I cant complain too much over it as I have never died due to it, but in fact its the other way around, because of that act I have completed quests faster and gained more items.
Not to mention that fleeing from a fight costs your mana so I win and they still lose.

Feb 09, 2009
I'm confused with what you're asking. From what I can decipher, I see two problems here:

1. People who join your battles stay for a bit and port.

This is just a sad fact of Wizard101. The game is made for everyone 10 and up (hence E10), so there are bound to be some mind-blowingly immature kids that you'll have to deal with. Try playing in different forums and add some people to your friends list (I don't get how you "don't have" one)!

2. Someone uninvited joins your battle; therefore, you flee. You're asking if it's rude or not.

This happened to me in MooShu. I joined someone's fight. When I joined (which caused another monster to join), the girl wouldn't stop going on about her ex-boyfriend and how she "missed him" and "needed to be with him." Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I tried to comfort her as best as I could...then she said "I need to be with him" and fled! Luckily, a friend of mine was on the same quest and helped me. I know it's not the best example, but in a word, yes it is rude. I don't care if they weren't invited; if you flee that makes you just as bad as the people you were complaining about earlier.

Apr 18, 2010
Apr 18, 2010
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
I'm confused with what you're asking. From what I can decipher, I see two problems here:

1. People who join your battles stay for a bit and port.

This is just a sad fact of Wizard101. The game is made for everyone 10 and up (hence E10), so there are bound to be some mind-blowingly immature kids that you'll have to deal with. Try playing in different forums and add some people to your friends list (I don't get how you "don't have" one)!

2. Someone uninvited joins your battle; therefore, you flee. You're asking if it's rude or not.

This happened to me in MooShu. I joined someone's fight. When I joined (which caused another monster to join), the girl wouldn't stop going on about her ex-boyfriend and how she "missed him" and "needed to be with him." Feeling extremely uncomfortable, I tried to comfort her as best as I could...then she said "I need to be with him" and fled! Luckily, a friend of mine was on the same quest and helped me. I know it's not the best example, but in a word, yes it is rude. I don't care if they weren't invited; if you flee that makes you just as bad as the people you were complaining about earlier.

i think i met that person in the game.

Apr 18, 2010
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
ITs mostly noobs! Another reason i want them out of CL!

yep thats true

Jun 24, 2010
Thank you everyone. I appreciate you all taking time to give me different ideas. And I shall not flee when someone joins me for I do not want to be the rude one. However I will flee if I have been defeated.

PS. I have a friends list however I choose not to have anyone listed. :?

Morgan Rainwhisper

Oct 09, 2010
Maybe you could say the new phrase (if your menu chat) "Please do not join my duel" or if your free chat you could try to pry the person out before a monster comes in. It's hard, but possible.

Jan 25, 2010
Same happened here. There was a wizard in battle yelling 'Help!' so I went to help. Then after a round he said 'Good luck!' and fled.

Aug 27, 2010
i dont think there shoul be a flee choice. id they have to leave in the middle of a battle then they shouldn't have joined the battle. or they should have to get permission to leave from other players, i hate it when my friends flee the battle and i'm stuck with the battles, i'm not much of a solo battler guy so its a real problem for me, i think its ok for people to flee when they are defeated or when there is three or more people in the duel. if the duel is just two people then its not fair if one of them leaves :x. please do something about this

Mar 19, 2009
dragonSSO wrote:
i dont think there shoul be a flee choice. id they have to leave in the middle of a battle then they shouldn't have joined the battle. or they should have to get permission to leave from other players, i hate it when my friends flee the battle and i'm stuck with the battles, i'm not much of a solo battler guy so its a real problem for me, i think its ok for people to flee when they are defeated or when there is three or more people in the duel. if the duel is just two people then its not fair if one of them leaves :x. please do something about this

Once someone joined my battle but did NOT flee. They did something like that that SHOULD punish them.... Log out.

Jan 25, 2010
A reason I am always aware who I ask to help me, too. Some people that are grands like to help me, and are nice enough not to flee.
More are childish to run away.

Jun 09, 2009
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
ITs mostly noobs! Another reason i want them out of CL!

You have some issues against low leveled people.

Feb 16, 2010
It does get annoying. I was in the middle of a dungeon while i was in a battle when my friend joined and fled. he left me with another monster to fight while i was low on health so i died and had to start the dungeon over again.