it is not so fun when you have Wizard ask other Wizard to let them win and Think Pet should not be play in Rank PvP likethe one that do big hits let say you have a new level wizard in PvP health is at 643 and your is at 564. and they have a blade from a card then they wait tell they use the pet card to take you out is the right or wrong I think it is time for the pet to have level caps to be in a PvP rank fight or No Pets in the Rank fight it is a PvP Not Pet v players and speak about The Pet I think the need To have there On Pet V Pet fight when you can play as you own pet and they have there on cards like say if you have a dragon pet it pet spells can be metro strike.,fire Strike, teal strike you it is like the kick when you have a sword Your pet as a teal strike. Scratch, and so on there can be a new pet trainer over the to train your pet. I have one in mind. have a beast master wizard from Grizohim to try your pet. and the pets it self have to do let things around wizards to level up. your friendly Grand Master Gorman Ghost Bane AKA (G80R02)