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Lost pets

Jul 04, 2010

I have previously sent a message about having lost pets, plants and contents after selling a castle :( :( :( but I haven't had any answer .

So, I'm asking again for an answer, please, please.

From a very sad 6 year old,


This should not be happening - please help us out and we'll have a better understanding of how this happened, and how to retrieve your pets.

1. What house did you sell? (Life, Krokotopia, etc)
2. Where were your pets? (inside, outside, both)
3. Was the house equipped when you sold it?
4. What steps did you take when you sold the house that had the pets in it?

Send all that information to our support team through email at support@wizard101.com or reply to this post with more details.

Thank you!

Jul 04, 2010

Thank you very much for your concern.

Here are the answers to your questions :
1. I sold a simple castle to Kame the castle shop keeper in mooshu world.
2. My pets were both inside and outside the castle.
3. There were lots of items and furniture in it.
4. I went to Kame in mooshu world and choose to sell the castle.

Hope this will help.


Dec 23, 2009
well profeser grey nose ( sorry for splling i spelled your name wrong )
i had a wizard and i axendetly deleated the wizard and one of my pet's was with him
when i dealeated the wizard the pet didn't go to the bank or sheaared bank or the back back
can you bring it back to me plz
i got the pet from big ben ( the same as my friend ) i won't say his name because idk if i can say wizard's name on the massege boards and i don't want to get baned
my pet was a:
it givesa card ( krock ) it is a krock pet
it's name was called: baybe roko
it is a balance pet
you can buy it in krock but it does not give a card
i got it from the last boss in big ben ( marlybone )
so i will say it again
can you get the pet back to me plz?
i would really be happy if you bring it back to me and if any body can help

Ok your issue is different from the other poster, please do not hijack his thread, but instead start a new one for this different issue.

Characters that have been deleted in the last 30 days can be restored, but you must make a request to Mr Lincoln through email at support@wizard101.com

When you contact Mr Lincoln for a character restore, please include the following information in your email.
1. Account name
2. Character name to be restored.
3. School of Focus of character to be restored.
4. Approximate level of character to be restored (if you recall)

You must have space for a Wizard to be placed - if you have 6 characters now, we will NOT be able to restore a deleted Wizard.
We cannot just bring back the pet, we must restore the entire character, but keep in mind if you deleted it more than 30 days ago, it's gone forever.

mat567010 wrote:
well profeser grey nose ( sorry for splling i spelled your name wrong )
i had a wizard and i axendetly deleated the wizard and one of my pet's was with him when i dealeated the wizard the pet didn't go to the bank or sheaared bank or the back back can you bring it back to me plz
i got the pet from big ben ( the same as my friend ) i won't say his name because idk if i can say wizard's name on the massege boards and i don't want to get baned my pet was a: adult
it givesa card ( krock ) it is a krock pet
it's name was called: baybe roko
it is a balance pet
you can buy it in krock but it does not give a card
i got it from the last boss in big ben ( marlybone )
so i will say it again
can you get the pet back to me plz?
i would really be happy if you bring it back to me and if any body can help

Dec 23, 2009
Jul 04, 2010