i beat the obsidian chest quest in under an hour. :D
really, that long? Well congradulations, however, no records were broke, since I did it in 4 minutes!
Had a friend stay in the Labyrinth after we beat it, had other friends all go to the other places the chests are and I went to one chest, then simply ported to the rest.
congrats! i did the labyrinth today for the quest to beat labyrinth. now i have this quest to do. i have to do this whole dungeon again to get the chest. i completley forgot to mark in the labyrinth! i have to do the whole dungeon again
Good job, but not a record. Me and my bro tag teamed and did it in about 20 minutes (which probably isn't a record either, this is always someone who lives to beat these things ) He did The Labyinth, I did everything else. It went pretty fast, but we had the edge of being in the same room to talk more easily, so very nicely done. Kudos, Taryn Dragonsong Legendary Sorcerer