Spectral minions are useless. I rarely even load my spectral minon for my balance wizard now. Helpful Mander is a lot more reliable and useful. With the spectral minion, the only one that has ever showed is the water elemental and all it does is shield itself and taunt. To me this is a waste of pips to even use. Make the mander stronger and do away with spectral minion. IT IS USELESS
How is shielding itself and using Taunt useless? It's taking enemy attacks away from you, while shielding itself so it will last longer.
No, actually it is not taking any attacks. My wizard has died a few times when I have used spectral minion. It's health is still full. I have never died using Helpful Mander. Infact, my mander has saved my life more times than I can count and died itself. But Helpful Mander does actually attack the enemy. Spectral minion only taunts and shields itself. It has never shielded me or done any damage attacks. So as, I said. IT IS USELESS.