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Mutate Spells & Enchantments?

May 15, 2009
Can I enchant a mutated spell like 'Deadly Minotaur' with a spell like 'Strong'? I would appreciate knowing ahead of time before expending my training points on the mutation spell.

Aug 08, 2010
Spells in your deck can only be enchanted once. Once you have used any type of enchantment on them (accuracy boost, damage boost, mutate) they are treated as a treasure card. One slight difference, sun and moon spells are temporary enhancements and will disappear once the battle is over.

For example, if you buy a Keen Eyes treasure card (balance school) and enhance a spell with it, you will create a permanent treasure card that you can keep for future use. However, if you use the sun or moon schools to enhance the card, it will disappear from your deck once the battle is over.

May 15, 2009
Gelwyn wrote:
Spells in your deck can only be enchanted once. Once you have used any type of enchantment on them (accuracy boost, damage boost, mutate) they are treated as a treasure card. One slight difference, sun and moon spells are temporary enhancements and will disappear once the battle is over.

For example, if you buy a Keen Eyes treasure card (balance school) and enhance a spell with it, you will create a permanent treasure card that you can keep for future use. However, if you use the sun or moon schools to enhance the card, it will disappear from your deck once the battle is over.

I'm happy you cleared that up for me. I wasn't sure if a mutation spell counted as an enchantment. I didn't want to get my hopes up on using 'Gargantuan' on my 'Deadly Minotaur'.