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Mar 02, 2009
jmcjmc1 wrote:
Jaypaw101 wrote:
TOWER SHIELD. Balance doesn't have a shield because its attacks are so weak, only judge does any decent damage and a tower will kill HALF that. I am sick of seeing all these whiners going 'Balance is so unfair because I'm not smart enough to think of a way to beat them. I'm going to go whine so I don't have to actually think to win a duel!' Seriously people, Balance is completely balanced!
Yeah, says the balance. James Iceheart Legendary Pyromancer
Of course says the Balance! If any of you actually made a balance wizard and tried it for yourself you'd find we are only so good at PvP because we have to think up strategies early on. We have the second lowest attack spells until we get judge, and you whiners in PvP ruin the game for everyone else. How would you like it if they halved the damage of heck hound? Dragon? Efreet? Helephant? Or decided to make another shield for fire that was 60% take off? People need to lay off the things that make other schools unique. You don't see me complaining about the fact that heck hound is more than 100 per pip and can be combined with four times as many blades and traps as Judge, and that it is Dot so it eats through shields.

Jun 10, 2009
Okay, balance is not unfair. Well, at least I'm not. Every time when I win in pvp I always trie to make friends with them. Now if anyone thinks balance is unfair then their just gonna have to get tougher and actually trie to stand up against them. Now I hope that everyone thinks differently about balance. If anyone agrees with me then trie to convince people that balance is the balance between all schools and that it's fair. Mason Sandtamer lvl 21 sorcerer in the Tomb of Storms.

Mar 19, 2010
IvoryJade wrote:
As a Balance Student, I happen to think Storm is unfair because of the high hit points. Life is unfair because they can heal constantly. Ice is unfair because they get better health points. Death is unfair because they can steal my health and use it to heal themselves. Fire is unfair because they have kill-over-time spells. Myth is unfair because of the muscles.
Yeah, sure we got Judgement, but while we're trying to save up the pips for a decent shot, you can kill us. Think about that.

Myth is unfair because of the muscles? That makes no sense.

Jul 30, 2009
Did you listen to ANY of the teachers? Balance is the strongest school, yet the hardest to master -Balance Instructor

Do you know what that meens?

Feb 25, 2010
@ 77296
I was trying to be funny and make a point.

@ all the complainers: I really wish people would quit complaining about all the other schools. Ok, a Balance student beat you in pvp. You comlain about them being too strong. Next, you lose to a Storm person. You complain about them. Then Life defeats you. Then Myth. Then Death.

If you're losing to the other schools a lot, have you stopped to consider that maybe it's not because they are "too strong" or "unfair", but that you need to revamp your strategy? Or maybe you need to develope a strategy? Battling isn't about just hitting hard and winning. It's about using what you have in your deck to your best advantage. Unfortunately, if your deck isn't equipped right, then the best strategy won't help you win.
What I am trying to say is, before you complain that the others are "unfair" or "too strong", check yourself and make sure you're ready for the battle before going in.

May 25, 2009
Balance is unfair? Thats what they said about Fire ice storm and life. Frankly i think according to ALL of you guys ALL schools are unfair

Dec 04, 2010
Don't you know we have to wait for 7 pips to come up, and have the boosts in our deck as well? You could use that time to kill us before we use our judgement! Besides, if there is a balance shield...

1.) If other bosses have that, would it be fair for balance being kept the way it is? Balance would have a hard time trying to even fight monsters.

2.) Balance would have to have a convert, a specific balance boost, etc.

All complainers of Balance are really saying "The Balance wizard beat me! I don't want to change my strategy, so I'll complain until I can win!"