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Wizard101 can't download

Feb 28, 2009
Ok well I got a new computer it will download wizard101 then it says unable to load game even when it says to download again. So can someone please tell me whats going on.

Hi there!

This is a very good question and I believe I know where you can find the best answer! If you would, please check out the Knowledge Base Article(s) below:

Answer Title: "Redownload" error loop
Answer Link: http://kingsisle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/kingsisle.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=99

If this doesn't seem to answer your question and you have any further questions or trouble, just let me know! You can find more articles, similiarly related by logging on to www.wizard101.com and clicking "Help".

Feb 28, 2009
If I remeber my old computer did the same thing but the grapics were off.They were causing a problem but it took awhile to find out so far it is starting to work.