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False Reports

Sep 06, 2010
Whenever I'm in the Commons or anywhere else I get reported a lot. I'm worried I am going to get banned for doing absolutley nothing to these total strangers.

Jul 29, 2009
fireismyheart41 wrote:
Whenever I'm in the Commons or anywhere else I get reported a lot. I'm worried I am going to get banned for doing absolutley nothing to these total strangers.

Please help me
I've been playing this game for long time and got banned once for being false reported some times
And on this account i've learned my lesson and i've gotten NO reports at all
Well... accept just now :(
I told him that when you were making the account did you read the terms and services and how you are NOT SUPPOSED TO SWEAR and he swore like a sailor. But lets not get off topic. I did the right thing to do and he reports me back for no apparent reason. I am worried this is my first report and i feel horrible because this false reporting situation is getting out of hand and i dont know what to do

JJRYANO wrote:

Please help me
I've been playing this game for long time and got banned once for being false reported some times

We do not ban players who are falsely reported - if you were sanctioned, it was done so because of your own actions.
JJRYANO wrote:

And on this account i've learned my lesson and i've gotten NO reports at all

That's great to hear!
JJRYANO wrote:

Well... accept just now :(
I told him that when you were making the account did you read the terms and services and how you are NOT SUPPOSED TO SWEAR and he swore like a sailor. But lets not get off topic. I did the right thing to do and he reports me back for no apparent reason. I am worried this is my first report and i feel horrible because this false reporting situation is getting out of hand and i dont know what to do

"Back reporting" is considered a false report and those players will be dealt with accordingly. Please re-read Zeke's post about reporting, false reporting and other guidelines. https://www.wizard101.com/posts/list/28843.ftl

Jun 09, 2009
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Please don't make Zeke repeat himself, you know how he hates that.


I was wondering when this kind of question would get a response like this, you may wanna try putting this into the FAQ. I'm bot sure how much that will help, but we know that some people read it.

Apr 18, 2010
you rock Greyrose. And its true I cant stand seeing Zeke constantly repeat himself!

Apr 20, 2009
DanielThunderFlame... wrote:
you rock Greyrose. And its true I cant stand seeing Zeke constantly repeat himself!
It hurts to see it doesn't it. I feel bad for the guy. I mean he travels arround the worlds and what does he get? People giving him the same question over and over again. Zeke, if you're reading this give yourself a pat on the back. You're awesome.

Aug 01, 2010
:( I have been on the fritz trying to find out what to do! I was falsely reported because I did not want to gift someone a crown item. When the person asked he stated that "I will be your "Boy" if you gift me..." I count that as rude and explict behaviour, and when I replied with " No i don't give in to people like that" (somthing along that line) meaning i didn't want anything to do with the matter. I than fled from that location. Folowing this event he stalked me and falsely reported me. Then he claimed to not even know me when i asked why. :x What do i do? Will i get banned? Did I do something wrong?

Sep 26, 2009
shadowwalker268 wrote:
:( I have been on the fritz trying to find out what to do! I was falsely reported because I did not want to gift someone a crown item. When the person asked he stated that "I will be your "Boy" if you gift me..." I count that as rude and explict behaviour, and when I replied with " No i don't give in to people like that" (somthing along that line) meaning i didn't want anything to do with the matter. I than fled from that location. Folowing this event he stalked me and falsely reported me. Then he claimed to not even know me when i asked why. :x What do i do? Will i get banned? Did I do something wrong?

In the F.A.Q. section there is a sticky that says "What happens when I get reported?", if you go there it tells you all of the ban-able things and the false ones, if you cant find it i just posted it below:

What is Considered a Reportable Offense?
We appreciate that our players want to make Wizard City the best it can be, and we've placed the tools in your hand to report players for inappropriate behavior. We ask that you use the reporting feature to identify truly egregious behavior, such as creative profanity (swearing around the filters), solicitation of usernames/passwords, predatory threats, racist comments and other such actions as outlined in the Terms of Use. The old story of “the kid that cried wolf” has a lot of bearing in this situation and we trust that all reports received by players are valid and require support intervention.

What is NOT considered a Reportable Offense?
Because false reporting can be construed and/or used as harassment of other players, we’d like to take a moment to ensure you are aware of what does NOT fall under the category of a reportable offense:

“S/he falsely reported me” or reporting someone for false reporting (2 wrongs don’t make a right)

“Won’t leave my house” (pick your friends wisely and avail yourself of the non-porting option)

“Being rude” (We’re sorry, we can’t enforce good manners. Use the ignore button liberally &/or change realms. It’s wholly up to you to choose to stay around someone that’s not nice to you.)

“Chain Stunning” (admittedly, it’s not much fun for the receiving team, but it’s not a violation of the game rules).

“Scamming” (KingsIsle will NEVER ask for treasure card(s) in exchange for a code. Trading “cards for codes” is done at the players’ own risk. Codes are either fully public or one time use)

“Spamming” (Although the Terms of Use mention spamming, it’s related to email/web posts. Yeah, it’s annoying in game and never of profound statement. Refer to “Being Rude”).

Mar 18, 2009
Angelocean wrote:
Professor Greyrose wrote:
Please don't make Zeke repeat himself, you know how he hates that.


I was wondering when this kind of question would get a response like this, you may wanna try putting this into the FAQ. I'm bot sure how much that will help, but we know that some people read it.

The web address Prof. Greyrose copied, is the link to the FAQ.