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Please Remove Doom & Gloom from Death Minion

May 27, 2009
What purpose does Doom & Gloom serve in most battles against normal enemies?

Why would a minion cast it?

Please remove Doom & Gloom from the death minions' deck.


May 26, 2009
Yeah, to me, that's the only bad thing about the death minion. It doesn't affect death drain spells, though.

Aug 11, 2009
Willowdreamer wrote:
What purpose does Doom & Gloom serve in most battles against normal enemies?

Why would a minion cast it?

Please remove Doom & Gloom from the death minions' deck.


I agree.

A minion’s task is to assist a wizard in battle. However, with the death minion casting Doom and Gloom, the minion has become a liability for the wizard and increases the opportunity for others in the group to be defeated.

The casting of other spells (Time of Legend, Sanctuary, Wildfire, Balefrost, and Darkwind) will remove Doom and Gloom, but this provides only a temporary solution, for the minion will cast Doom and Gloom again and again.

The casting of Doom and Gloom should rest in the hands of the wizard and not the minion.

I have not seen the minions of other schools act with such a behavior that it puts a wizard in danger of being defeated. (Other than perhaps the Sprite Guardian’s behavior of self-healing repeatedly in battles – which has since been fixed)

So I also request that Doom and Gloom be removed from the minion’s deck, so that the minion will be better able to assist the wizard in battle.

Have fun!!! :-) :-) :-)

Jun 13, 2009
OMG i totally agree with you.

All of a sudden this minion is casting doom and gloom! Why?

it doesn't help me one bit, only get me killed faster becasue my heals are debuffed and sometimes it cast it more than once when it should be attacking the enemy!

Jun 14, 2009
I totally agree. I actually stop using my death minions because of this. I never understood why KI gave this particular spell to them. I have never even seen a death wizard use doom and gloom with the exception of PVP.

I would love for this spell to be taken away from them. There are so many other spells that could be used instead.

Aug 08, 2010
I'd have to agree with this. I thought maybe it was added specifically for those that PvP. That is the only time it might be beneficial that I can see.

Oct 24, 2010
along with me i got defeated a few times because my minion casted that card.

david redspear
oni slayer

Aug 01, 2009
I am a legendary death and I like that doom and gloom is cast by the minions. It is helpful. Not ALL of the death minions cast doom and gloom, There is a total of 14 different minions for death. I suggest that if you don't want it to cast doom and gloom that use the right death minion and it won't cast. There is a guide online that tells you how many pip each minion will require- look up your different minion, find the ones that don't use doom and gloom and use them.. If have an option to what minion you want to use. So DO NOT take our minion away KI that is one of death's greatest advantage- people just need to learn how to use it right- that is all.

Aug 01, 2009
It cracks me up so many people are complaining about this.. DO NONE OF YOU know how to use your minionS right?.. There are 14 different death minions.. YES 14!!! Hello?? Pick one of the minions that doesn't cast doom and gloom. You all are complaining and not one of you are using the correct minion as needed!! SO if you don't want the minion to cast doom and gloom- use your correct number of pips to use a minion that doesn't cast doom and gloom. OUT OF THE 14 death minions ONLY 6 of them cast doom and gloom. -SO you have 8 other minions that you can use that don't cast doom and gloom.. Try using your minions right before complaining and asking that it be removed. You have the best minion(s) in the game, and you are whining- amazing!!

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
I agree that this is really a bad spell for a minion to use. Doom and Gloom has very narrow and specific uses: PvP, or when fighting very high level, self-healing Life enemies in DS or Celestia. (I'm glaring at YOU, Water-matons!)

G&D dampens healing spells, but I noticed that it does not affect our steal health spells. Still, having that spell spammed by our minions is terrible because sometimes we do need to use a healing or Sacrifice spell. I have stopped using my Death minion as well until this gets fixed.

KI! Please change this!

Kestral LifeHunter, Magus Necromancer.

Apr 02, 2010

My kids and I share two accounts. One night I happened to be taking both Life wizards through Big Ben. A friend ports in at Meowority and decides to cast his new spell, Doom and Gloom. At first I couldn't believe it. I asked him, what's the ring around? And he says, its my new spell, and I know this character is Death. Oh No.

So right then and there I decided just discard every heal and attack like crazy, because I had taken out all the Sanctuary from both.

Sep 18, 2009
I do not recall anyone saying the death minion should be taken away, simply that the Doom and Gloom card should be removed from the minions. Which I happen to agree with. It is a useless card.

And Jake, rather than complaining that people are not 'using their minion right', why not give a link to the list of minions that you suggest would be so helpful?

Personally, I can't always wait until I have the exact number of pips to summon a specific minion. When a boss is doing 2,200 damamge criticals, it would be nice to not have to consult a list to get the 'right one' and then try to get just the right number of pips. My minion did me in with D&G a couple times while trying to get my bone drake spell. I finally got the minion summon card in my hand when I had 4 pips, and managed to win. That ghoul minion isn't strong, but he likes casting fire elf which death bosses have no defense against.

Jan 04, 2011
I am limited to using low level Minions because of this problem...

Standard Minion law of thumb... It should only cast generic non-skill/combo specific spells.

Imagine if the Minion is casting D&G while you just get hit by a big spell and your opponent is at max Health (in PvP)... I had this happen to me once when I am winning the healing war (I still have all my heals, but only half health... Whereas my opponent is full life, but used all his heals). This is low level PvP, so it's easy to win a war of attrition. When my minion cast the D&G, it cost me the win.

Minions should either have unbelievably well made AI, or let it cast generic spells like "Attack spells" "Boosts" and "Heals".

May 27, 2009
I know how to play with minions, thank you very much, but maybe I don't have the "cheat sheet" for death minions handy every time I want to summon one. Every one of my wizards uses their minions, but this is the only wizard I have to be very careful to count my pips before summoning. Why? Because of Doom & Gloom! It is not a normal "helping" bubble for 99% of gameplay.

I stand by my original statement. There is absolutely no reason for a minion to have this spell.

Jun 13, 2009
Um I had to consult my death wiz in order to find out what Doom and Gloom actually does!

I don't recall ever using that spell. Anyways I reduces 50% of all heal spells. This wouldn't be so bad if it didn't reduce your heals as well but it does! So who uses it?

As for the minions. Well, any minion that you summon with more than 4 pips will cast doom and gloom.

4 pip minions don't, well not that I have seen, but the thing about 4 pip minions is that their health is low so sometimes you want to cast a higher level minion which will survive an attack.

all in all a minion does not need to be casting D&G because it does not help the death wiz. That two pips would be better spent using a ghoul or fire elf or something. Anything but the gloom

Aug 01, 2009
AGAIN USE THE CORRECT death minion and you won't have the problem of.. You have 14 different death minions and only 6 cast doom and gloom.. HELLO try reading and quit complaining. 14 death minions and you are complaining about only 6 that casts it?? UNREAL!!!

Aug 01, 2009
So the complaining is because you can only heal half when the minion uses doom & gloom correct???? YOU ARE DEATH!!! LOL- how about instead of using a fairy to heal that is a life spell- try using a vampire, ghoul or wraith and use a blade or trap to get your health? Doom and gloom does not affect your health when healing with a death spell other (than Sacrafice). That is the whole point in being a death wizard- you can heal yourself. I just find this whole post FUNNY. You are all death wizards and can heal yourself, but upset because you can't use a LIFE spell to heal with doom and gloom. Use your death spells to heal like you should be and doom and gloom won't be a problem.. LOL

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
So the complaining is because you can only heal half when the minion uses doom & gloom correct???? YOU ARE DEATH!!! LOL- how about instead of using a fairy to heal that is a life spell- try using a vampire, ghoul or wraith and use a blade or trap to get your health? Doom and gloom does not affect your health when healing with a death spell other (than Sacrafice). That is the whole point in being a death wizard- you can heal yourself. I just find this whole post FUNNY. You are all death wizards and can heal yourself, but upset because you can't use a LIFE spell to heal with doom and gloom. Use your death spells to heal like you should be and doom and gloom won't be a problem.. LOL

...And what about those times when I have a dying companion in the battle that I might want to heal with Sacrifice or a life spell...? Hmmm? The D&G spell screws that up. What's your solution for that, oh clever one?

Some of us don't live and breathe Wizard 101 every second. We don't pour over Central looking for some kind of Minion Cheat sheet to make sure we don't accidentally cast the wrong minion. Furthermore, the minions do not NEED to cast that spell! If I want it, *I* will cast it. If I don't want it (and 90% of the time I do NOT want G&D), then I don't want my minion spamming a mostly useless--and potentially harmful--spell every other turn.

Jun 09, 2009
jakehjk3 wrote:
AGAIN USE THE CORRECT death minion and you won't have the problem of.. You have 14 different death minions and only 6 cast doom and gloom.. HELLO try reading and quit complaining. 14 death minions and you are complaining about only 6 that casts it?? UNREAL!!!

That's almost half. -_-

Aug 08, 2010
Freshta wrote:
So the complaining is because you can only heal half when the minion uses doom & gloom correct???? YOU ARE DEATH!!! LOL- how about instead of using a fairy to heal that is a life spell- try using a vampire, ghoul or wraith and use a blade or trap to get your health? Doom and gloom does not affect your health when healing with a death spell other (than Sacrafice). That is the whole point in being a death wizard- you can heal yourself. I just find this whole post FUNNY. You are all death wizards and can heal yourself, but upset because you can't use a LIFE spell to heal with doom and gloom. Use your death spells to heal like you should be and doom and gloom won't be a problem.. LOL

...And what about those times when I have a dying companion in the battle that I might want to heal with Sacrifice or a life spell...? Hmmm? The D&G spell screws that up. What's your solution for that, oh clever one?

Some of us don't live and breathe Wizard 101 every second. We don't pour over Central looking for some kind of Minion Cheat sheet to make sure we don't accidentally cast the wrong minion. Furthermore, the minions do not NEED to cast that spell! If I want it, *I* will cast it. If I don't want it (and 90% of the time I do NOT want G&D), then I don't want my minion spamming a mostly useless--and potentially harmful--spell every other turn.


I was so excited to get my minion spell on my death wizard. All of the different ones and all. At first I was just casting the low level minions (to draw the attacks) and I found the minion helpful. Then I started testing out the higher level minions and promptly stopped using it altogether. As mentioned, the minion is so busy casting doom and gloom (if it can), that's pretty much all it does.

To me it would make more sense to limit the spell to one or two of the minions, somewhere in the middle. That way the PvP players still have their spam bot and the rest of us don't get stuck with worthless minions. Because in regular play, I would cast D&G in those few specific instances where I would want it.

Sep 12, 2010
If its not removed can we all agree that they should make it have some kind of error checking to see if its cast and if it has been for it to NOT recast. I hate that minions with spells in their deck recast an already active global buff. I have had a minion recast doom and gloom 4 times in a row, when it was never removed, when it got the 3 pips to cast it. Thats 12 pips with 9 of them wasted.

In all I don't care of the card stays or goes I work around whats in play anyhow. What I do care is how useless a minion is when it recasts the same global spell 4 times.

Aug 01, 2009

Uhh first of all you don't have to be clever to have common sense Freshta! It doesn't take anyone living a breathing wizard101 to understand the rules of each minions! It takes learning your school correctly. So don't try to unsult me when clearly you are the one who doesn't understand your school or your minion..

Doom and Gloom being casted by the minion is great! I am probably reading a bunch of low level complaints in the post. Once you all get into the game a little more maybe you can appreciate why 6 of your 14 minions do cast this spell. There are many death wizards who appreciate this spell being casted by 6 of the 14 minions. If you don't like it- find a new school. It amazes me how I have given countless options for you all and you all still complain! If you don't like that spell- like I said "USE THE RIGHT MINION". OVER HALF OF THEM DO NOT CAST DOOM AND GLOOM! Use the right minion and then you don't have to worry about you or your friend dying.

How about this one! When you are fighting a life person and all they do is heal- you will be thankful that 6 of the 14 minion do cast doom and gloom, because I promise you- none of you will survive fighting a high level Life person that heals every round- Goodluck with that! Then you will be saying "where is my minion that casts doom and gloom?" Then we will see a thread " bring back doom and gloom".. Do your homework and learn your minions.

Aug 15, 2009
doom and gloom is the second most useless spell of the game. A global enchantment easily defeated by another global enchantment. Regardless, all I want any of my minions to do is hit heal blade and trap, beyond that gets in the way of strategy. It really isnt necessary for minions to cast global enchantments, at least not in the regular part of the game. Seems as silly as if a minion was to cast another minion, or a minion buys a henchman, or a minion cast a polymorph spell. Animate was awesome until doom and gloom was added to the deck and now its just another thing to adapt to which is about the only time i use sacrifice is when the minion is on a D&G spree. Maybe its a boon for the pvp crowd, idk pvp isnt my thing.

Aug 08, 2010
Sorry jakehjk3, but I respectfully disagree. I will restate what I said previously, this is only a benefit in PvP. My death wizard is legendary and I solo'd most of the game quite easily on this wizard. I have even successfully PvP'd on this wizard (mainly just to get the conviction spell).

If I want doom and gloom in play, I put the spell in my deck and cast it when I want it active. The ONLY time it really comes in handy for your minion to repeatedly keep casting it is if you PvP and want to prevent your opponent(s) from casting a different ring spell.

That is why I said that only a few of the mid-range minions should have it. Then it's still there for PvP, but the minions used most often in regular mob fights would not use it. I just can't see anyone saving up all of their pips in PvP to cast a minion in the 11 - 14 pip range (or even 10 for that matter). However, I will admit that I didn't PvP a lot on my death wizard, so I'm not sure what tactics the general death wizard will use. I typically use my fire wizard when I PvP.

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009

Uhh first of all you don't have to be clever to have common sense Freshta! It doesn't take anyone living a breathing wizard101 to understand the rules of each minions! It takes learning your school correctly. So don't try to unsult me when clearly you are the one who doesn't understand your school or your minion..

Excuse me?!
How did I insult you? I called you "oh clever one." Clever means smart. Look it up.

Meanwhile, you in fact did insult every single person here who disagrees with you. Your words:

DO NONE OF YOU know how to use your minions right?.. There are 14 different death minions.. YES 14!!! Hello?? Pick one of the minions that doesn't cast doom and gloom. You all are complaining and not one of you are using the correct minion as needed!! <---Insulting, assuming that we are all ignorant and don't know what we're doing.

Try using your minions right before complaining and asking that it be removed. You have the best minion(s) in the game, and you are whining- amazing!! <---Insulting, implying we are ignorant yet again, plus you call us all whiners.

If you don't like it- find a new school. It amazes me how I have given countless options for you all and you all still complain! If you don't like that spell- like I said "USE THE RIGHT MINION". OVER HALF OF THEM DO NOT CAST DOOM AND GLOOM! Use the right minion and then you don't have to worry about you or your friend dying.

I have played every school, thank you very much. And what were those "countless options" again? Memorize which of the 14 minions uses G&D? That is precisely ONE "option" you've provided.

And again, you make assumptions. Your arrogance is amusing--just because I DISAGREE with you on the global application of a niche spell does not make me stupid, a whiner, ignorant on how to play a Death school wizard, or lacking in experience using the Death minions. I disagree that G&D needs to be cast repeatedly by more than half of all the Death minions. It is not that important or useful of a spell in 90% of PvE matches.

How about this one! When you are fighting a life person and all they do is heal- you will be thankful that 6 of the 14 minion do cast doom and gloom, because I promise you- none of you will survive fighting a high level Life person that heals every round- Goodluck with that!

And I call utter BS on that. Puh-lease. I've fought those "high level, mega-healing Life enemies" myself, without using G&D, and I beat them. With multiple wizards in various schools. You act like it's impossible to beat a Life enemy without Gloom and Doom. Give me a break. If that were true, how do all those other schools manage to suvive?

May I suggest that if G&D cast by your minion is the only way YOU are capable of defeating a Life enemy, then YOU are the one who doesn't know how to fight or how to properly play a Death school wizard.

And no, frankly, I don't want my minion wasting 3 pips to cast this useless G&D over and over again, even if I'm fighting a Water-maton in the Science Center. When I want G&D, I will cast the spell myself. I want the minion to either taunt and shield itself or to attack, not to repeatedly waste pips casting the same generally useless spell over and over and over.....

So yes, when I cast my minion, I am careful to use only 5-pips or 6-pips, (or 13-14-pips, if I can get that many) because all the rest are either too weak or too useless---because of that G&D spell, which I DO NOT WANT! And since nearly ALL of the minions above 6 pips cast G&D, that means that I can't use any of them. I don't need your "advice" and I "know my minions" just fine. Still, I disagree with you that G&D needs to be in so many minion spell decks and that it needs to be cast repeatedly during the same battle.

And ... I'm not an idiot just because I disagree with you on how great and useful the spell is.