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From a Balance Student

Feb 25, 2010
I am a Balance student. I am Legendary. I have finished CL. I have read all the postings regarding Balance being "too strong" and all that jazz. One poster even suggested getting rid of Balance altogether. I love being a Balance student. I did my best gaming as a Balance student. I don't think it would be wise to do anything so drastic as to remove the school, or even to remove its spells as they are right now, and I doubt KI would do that anyway.
I do wish, however, that people would stop complaining about us. You guys can defeat us pretty easily if you just tried. It doesn't take much. Storm and Death are my two weaknesses, if you want the truth. I can't speak for the others in my class; they have their own weaknesses.
In a battle, we come in handy if we're on your team. We can throw blades and shields your way, and even a couple heals. I'm sure you appreciate it when we do.
If we are battling you, all you have to do is hit us a couple times while we are trying to save up for a judgement. All we can use are 0-pip spells while we're saving up the pips, anyway.
If it bothers you that much, try being a Balance student, if only to see what we face. Or to find out what defeats us the best.
Just please quit complaining about us when we are just doing what we do. Go develop your own strategy. Grow in your school of choice. We all have our weaknesses and we can't blame the schools for being what they are. I have yet to defeat a Storm student. Should I complain? I don't think so. It's just part of the game. You win some, you lose some. It's like life. You can't win at everything all the time. Someone better than you is bound to come along and beat you at it, whatever "it" may be. Just please stop complaining.

Nov 20, 2010
@IvoryJade, Ugh. I'm not a balance student, but I get so tired of people complaining about this. Personally, I think they are just jealous. They can't handle being beaten by a school more powerful then them, so they autamatically want it to go. I don't mean to be rude, but that's just my opinion.

Rachel RavenTalon, Level 34 Myth

Feb 25, 2010
But see, it's not really the SCHOOL that's more powerful. It's the individual that they are battling. The complainers are taking their experience with a few and complaining about the whole group unfairly. And like I said once on another post, while we are saving our pips for a killer judgment, the enemy has several rounds to smack us onto our fannies. But they don't develop their strategy enough to see this. We then use that mistake to our advantage.
If you want a strategy that works, here's an idea: blade and shield and curse (the spell, not words) for a couple rounds, then pull out the big guns. I have yet to survive the level 58 Storm spell.
There are more powerful spells out there than Judgment. But I don't hear complaints about those spells. What about Tempest? And Heckhound? Those are x-pip spells. Why are folks not complaining about those?

Feb 09, 2009
Yeah! Power to the Sorcerers! Thanks for posting this; I'm so done with everyone bashing Balance and saying that we're cheaters just because of our school. They don't see how difficult it is to be a Sorcerer, that it takes more patience, skill, and a lot more planning to succeed in the Balance school than any other school (of course that's just my opinion). I wish those ignorant players would just leave us be, or better yet take a walk in our boots.

Jan 30, 2011
My main is a Balance and I enjoy playing her. She's fun for me to play so I agree, people shouldn't complain till they try the class.

Aug 15, 2008
As someone else stated, it's not the school at all. It's the player that uses the school. On my balance, I use Spectral Blast + Gargantuan. If timed right and if it crits, that easily 2000+ damage, for 4 pips. But its very easily avoided. Towers, weaknesses, resistance, anything can make it not so "overpowered". You just have to know how to save yourself from it.