As a Balance Student, and a person who doesn't like argueing, and the person who is always in the middle. I say all schools are the best school ever! The best schools are definitely: Ice, Fire, Storm, Myth, Life, Death and Balance.
Although I am not a "Master Seperator" in the Balance of all things, I agree that all schools are equal. You should not judge an element by it's power, but what YOU want more. Sure, Storm is powerful, But it has a minor chance of fizziling. And maybe Life doesn't always get powerful spells, Does that make them weak? of course not.
Short Version: All schools are equal, don't argue anymore.
As a Balance wizard, all I can say is no one is wrong, no one is right. All of the schools are as powerful as the other, it all depends on the wizard who's hands it's in.
Taryn Dragonsong Legendary Sorcerer
Wrong! xD No hard feelings but i'm going to be a bit of a stickler here...
As a balance wizard, all you should say is that all the schools are not as powerful as each other, but each have their own special talents and weaknesses that seperate them from one another. Balance takes little areas of these talents to fill in the gaps the others have, implying none is strong in the same way as the next ;) But i'll agree with its up to the wizard who's hands it in, thats for sure.
Sorry, I just made a balance last night so the teachings of Arthur Whethersfield are still fresh in my mind xD
ugh sry ice people and fire people but storm is the best. ice. you have high health so you can survive battles, but have the weakest ever spells. fire. you guys have mild attacks but still, a bit weak on health. now time for storm. storm is the best school of all because it has a good amount of health and an AWESOME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE. the leviathan without any boosts does 1030 damage. yes, i know it fizzles frequently but it is still the best school because it can finish battles quicker so that means you lvl up and get exp quicker! Daniel GhostBlood level 52 Grandmaster Diviner!
Uggh? Really! Don't you listen to these posts? There is NO best school. and i extremely dislike how all the diviners brag that their school is the best just because the attacks are more powerful than any other school.
P.s. Fire does NOT have "mild" attacks. you should see scald with a few blades. it would hurt you. bad.
Well Frost giants stole water from tritans to make ice Tritons put out dragons fire Dragons melted frost giant ice castles It is like Rock Paper Scissors But I could tell you the strengths and weaknesses between one another
Ice was the weakest one if you compare it to the other two but it uses defense to overcome them
Storm is the strongest of them all but had very bad defense so they did pretty bad
Fire was pretty strong too but took to long to attack plus they affected the other players
Fire are the ones who stopped the war Storm are the ones who would admit to there defeat Ice was stuck in the middle
If you want to learn more go to the wizardcity library go up stairs and read the book up there.
Ugh all of you are wrong fire is the best, and you knnow it. Fire is the best class in the spiral
Aaron Drakewalker Level 26 Fire wizard secondary class:Balance
My goal is to become one of the strongest pyromancers in the spiral.
You won't have any trouble with your goal. I've yet to see one Fire wizard defeat me in PVP, and I am a legendary Storm. My first wizard, a level 51 Fire, was recently deleted because it could never defeat ANY battles EVER!
Good luck, Aaron!! :D
And just like Honey12345, NO pyromancer has ever defeaten me. Not even bosses! :P Sorry, but, fire isn't the most powerful though you will have to give better explainations than that!
fire also has something bad, they have low pip chance! they barley get power pip!
As a Balance wizard, all I can say is no one is wrong, no one is right. All of the schools are as powerful as the other, it all depends on the wizard who's hands it's in.
Taryn Dragonsong Legendary Sorcerer
agreed it depemds on stats and stuff not the spell it all depends on the wizard
ugh sry ice people and fire people but storm is the best. ice. you have high health so you can survive battles, but have the weakest ever spells. fire. you guys have mild attacks but still, a bit weak on health. now time for storm. storm is the best school of all because it has a good amount of health and an AWESOME AMOUNT OF DAMAGE. the leviathan without any boosts does 1030 damage. yes, i know it fizzles frequently but it is still the best school because it can finish battles quicker so that means you lvl up and get exp quicker! Daniel GhostBlood level 52 Grandmaster Diviner!
See, this is why i don't like these "which school is the best" conversations. There is NO best school. And, as an fyi, fire does not have mild attacks. if fire is mild, storm is barely better. Don't hype about your school on these boards. It drives many people crazy. Especially me.
Each school has its own advantages and disadvantages: Fire does damage over time witch doesn't miss once the first one hits, and the stats are balanced between storm and ice. Ice has high accuracy and stats, but attacks weaker than fire and storm. Storm has strong attacks, but low stats and accuracy.
All schools are equal :) They all have something other schools can't do. Ice is there health Storm is pure damage I would guess fire would be in between the 2 but closer to storm. Death can sap health Life can heal tons Myth has a bunch of minions Balance has a bit of everything. A legendary of any school can beat a legendary of any school.
It is my unbiased opinion that Life is the best school. Don't get me wrong, the other schools are powerful, but Life has good powered AoE spells, healing, and defense. Fire is strong, but it has too many DoT spells, and in the Water Works you don't get that time.
The other schools I can't really give much of an opinion on, but my favorite team is the Ice/Fire/Storm/Life Quad Team. Ice takes the blows and uses Snow Angel. Storm and Fire hits the enemy hard while Life uses Forest Lord and heals the others.
In fact, once I went through Water Works with two Life Legendarys and I hardly did anything while they practically pulverized the enemy. I think it sucks that I got Fire at the quiz and was too guillible with the sound of a cool class to rethink my options. Now I'm too Fire biased to try another school to max level. Man.
Wolf (Level 60 Pyromancer) Wolf Life (Level 12 Theurgist) Wolf Spellblade (Level 4 Sorcerer) Malorn SoulShatter (Level 3 Necromancer)
why are all of you hooked on ice?!?! Fire is truly a masterpiece! Falmea keeps all her students on track while ice likes to gaze off! (just joking) But look, I think (since the dragons were the biggest creatures...and the COOLEST!) that fire should of smashed the other schools to shame lol. Just joking again. But, they had some affection in their hearts and let you guys live.
I read all of the books in you classrooms and each one says different (besides the history). Storms books says "Today, the Storm elements still exist. Even now the more potent Storm magic holds Fire and Ice at bay." The Ice books says " And Because it is derived from the Giants, Ice magic will always be more powerful than that of Fire and Storm. . ." And the Fire book says " Though the Dragons now sleep, Fire magic, the most powerful of all magics, comes from the essence that Dragons released into fire and magma. . ." So which book is true? Are the books wrong? Please answer why the books say this because i am very confused.
Sincerley Ashley Frostflame lvl 49 ice
P.S. I am a geek on dragons!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a feild guide on it and yeah i love dragons!!!!!!! XD
oh my gosh, do you study dragonology too? oh my gosh i love dragons, too and i recomand this book: Brisingr, by christopher paolini (i think i spelled the auther wrong)
well i think i'm gonna have to disagree storm i think is the best because well it's the best i think ice and storm are rivals cause storm has the highest attack but the lowest health ice has the weakest attack and the highest health ice and storm are born rivals ( sorry fire XD ) anyway
but humans rule the world with aposible thumbs and fire! also, wizard101 wise, fire envolves as much stradegy as balance, tharefor very powerful.
Saffron Firehunter, Magus level 35 life wizard, second fire, third death