This is something i'm sure thats been brought up before. I'm new here and tonight was a bad night of players doing this to me. In Kroc.i'm already fighting two mobs and get one down. Then i see someone standing off to the side watching me fight. Then they join in and bring another mob to the circle. and flee. Also i thought that when you face a boss in that count down dungeon and your the only one in their, No one could come in. I guess that was wrong to. If anything people that flee fights should face a big penalty for it.
It must be a terrible thing to play this game so poorly that malaciously trying to inconvenience others seems ... entertaining.
I was also in Kroc last night and there were a pair of "flee vandals" working the rooms. I fight two, they bring two, flee, without casting a single spell, and I am left with FOUR.
These two tried spoiling three of my fights last night.
NP. My "secondary" school is Life ... and I lost NONE of the fights. There have been times, farming mobs with only a starter deck and no wand for example, where I had to flee and change realms to continue my game.
My children often do not fare as well against these folks.
This is not accidental. They did not get drawn in. Their health and equipment says they are NOT noobs ... it is a flagrant act designed solely for the sabotaging of another's game experience.
Repeated "Fleeing", without casting spells, abandoning one or more players in the combat dias, is certainly a "loggable" event that could be automatically detected ... and supplies grounds for immediate account REMOVAL, imho.
If your behavior requires the attention of KI's limited LABOR force to protect the gaming experience of the community at large, ONCE, for a SINGLE instance, your account should be REMOVED. All labor, treasure, houses, all of your TIME ... lost.
Petition Mr. Lincoln to get it back.
There are 15 million people sharing this resource now.
There isn't enough time, money, or labor to babysit the 20-30% who CHOSE maladaptive behavior over constructive community play. Bag the "time-outs" ... the "you have been a "bad boy", Johnny" e-mails ... and the "because you have misbehaved we are taking your 'chat' toy away for a whole week!" ineffective and laughable "sanctioning" ... REMOVE them.
AFTER we have eliminated 3-5 million game-wrecking vandals, we will not have to "manage behavior". Ever again.
my experience is people flee either due to immaturity or they are focused on something else and got caught and did not want to. Either way it is frustrating but i take the frustrations on those left behind... the enemy ahead. I really dont think there is much KI or anyone can do about the jump flee-ers. Or the ones that jump in and just time out without fighting. I really hate that worse. And it isnt because they are kicked offline and just standing there cause that happens too I mean the ones that allow you to use your mana and health and struggle to win a fight in thirty minutes that could have been over in five. That really ticks me off too. but like the beggars for crown items, we just have to accept they are part of wizard society and idk what else is there besides eventually leave the game to them out of frustration when we had enough?
Sadly, there will always be a few people, in any given game, that take their "fun" in purposely annoying others. In other MMORPGs, they will steal your drops, attack you while you are already otherwise occupied, or bring over a monster that is way, way too high level for you to handle. In Wizard, thankfully, these people's destructive behaviour is limited to bringing in a few extra mobs and leaving you to clean them up.
There is, unfortunately, hardly anything anyone can do about it - though, I will note, that the problem grows less as you increase in level. You will find the main portion of this kind of people roaming the streets of Unicorn Way. Once you hit Dragonspyre, you will only very, very rarely encounter anything that approaches this behaviour.
The best thing you can do, if you have been targetted by such a group of malicious miscreants, is to switch realms. Go into the Menu (press Esc), and click the right-most button that says "Realms". Select a different one than the one you are on, and you can continue playing without the interruption of mob-pullers.
It must be a terrible thing to play this game so poorly that malaciously trying to inconvenience others seems ... entertaining.
I was also in Kroc last night and there were a pair of "flee vandals" working the rooms. I fight two, they bring two, flee, without casting a single spell, and I am left with FOUR.
These two tried spoiling three of my fights last night.
NP. My "secondary" school is Life ... and I lost NONE of the fights. There have been times, farming mobs with only a starter deck and no wand for example, where I had to flee and change realms to continue my game.
My children often do not fare as well against these folks.
This is not accidental. They did not get drawn in. Their health and equipment says they are NOT noobs ... it is a flagrant act designed solely for the sabotaging of another's game experience.
Repeated "Fleeing", without casting spells, abandoning one or more players in the combat dias, is certainly a "loggable" event that could be automatically detected ... and supplies grounds for immediate account REMOVAL, imho.
If your behavior requires the attention of KI's limited LABOR force to protect the gaming experience of the community at large, ONCE, for a SINGLE instance, your account should be REMOVED. All labor, treasure, houses, all of your TIME ... lost.
Petition Mr. Lincoln to get it back.
There are 15 million people sharing this resource now.
There isn't enough time, money, or labor to babysit the 20-30% who CHOSE maladaptive behavior over constructive community play. Bag the "time-outs" ... the "you have been a "bad boy", Johnny" e-mails ... and the "because you have misbehaved we are taking your 'chat' toy away for a whole week!" ineffective and laughable "sanctioning" ... REMOVE them.
AFTER we have eliminated 3-5 million game-wrecking vandals, we will not have to "manage behavior". Ever again.
I have to agree with every thing you have stated. I have found in DS that it is almost always the Legendary types that do this . Then they comeback and laugh while you are trying to beat the mobs and bosses. This happen EVERY SINGLE DAY in the Plaza of Conquest where they pop in and use a low level spell to remove all of your feints and traps then flee "very funny". I know that there are no extra bosses/mobs in The Plaza so no need to point that out. I say REMOVE THEM FOR EVER on the 1st offense
"Once you hit Dragonspyre, you will only very, very rarely encounter anything that approaches this behaviour. "
Sorry, my experiece shows Celestia and Dragonspyre are the absolute WORST areas for this type of harassment. The "You have not earned the right to be here Nazi's" are NOT waiting for a low-level porter to ruin their fight. They are attacking onsight, without provocation, and they do not appear to care about "collateral damage" should an "earn-ed person" also be in the combat dias.
We DO NOT have to "settle" for deliberate actions purposely taken to sabotage another's game when the LOGGED keystrokes and mouse-clicks PROVE the intent is pre-meditated and repeated, over and over again. "Time-outs" and other hardware failures DO NOT "log" the manual, intentional, purposeful ... and REPEATED selection of the "Flee Key" under these circumstaces.
Once the technique has been identified, software can be written to scan the logs and present the alleged offenders to Mr. Lincoln and his staff. In time, the software will prove itself 100% accurate in its purpose and human supervision will no longer be required.
We have come to accept poor behavior on the internet as "part of the experience" and that "No one can do anything about it" because no one has TRIED to do anything about it. Most of us do not have the skill set needed to pursue a solution. The truth is, most people who do not "code" for a living are not able to IMAGINE a solution, much less pursue one.
Management of Internet Services Businesses are also operating off of a false understanding of the problem. "No way we can justify the expense of writing this "policing" code just because a "few people" are trying to ruin the experience for everyone."
First, it is NOT a few people. There are MILLIONS of them.
In the history of human endeavor, wherever groups of people gather, for whatever reasons they choose to do so, and no matter how "good" the existing "process" they are engaged upon actually performs, about 1/3 of THAT population is NOT satisfied with what is being done AND not just wants it changed; they insist upon it. Some people want better tools. Others want better pay, more benefits, lol, the use of different colors in their clothes/uniforms ... whatever. Sheesh. Look at Feedback Friday!
It does not matter what changes are wanted. THAT is human nature. What matters, where we begin to lose our humanity, is when those of us who find the process completely unacceptable, do NOT choose to seek greener pastures elsewhere, but instead, CHOOSE to ruin the process for everyone willing to accept things as they are, and work through them.
"If I cannot have what I want, then nobody can have anything."
Second, allowing 3-5 MILLION (30%) of 15 MILLION people to misbehave, poisons the experience for the remaining 10-12. They will tire of them and eventually leave, or participate reluctantly until they find something better to do. It is not a question of whether or not we can afford to write the policing code.
We cannot afford NOT to.
Third, as no one has actually attempted automated policing of internet behavior on this scale, once working, the techniques will be wanted everywhere. Huge, huge profits here.
Fourth, it is the future. No tax-payer on the planet would sit still for hiring enough officers to catch 90% of the speeders endangering everybody's lives on their daily commutes. But, hang a robot camera under that overpass that photographs EVERYBODY busting the radar ... they will raise Hades when it catches them and "auto-prosecutes" the offense and their wallets, but they will not kick about the tax money it saves them ... ;) Not only that, the behavior WILL be changed.
Unless we are willing to hire @150,000 Mr. Lincolns, automating the process is only way to address the problem.
Fifth, and most important. Imagine how much better this game would run on the EXISTING hardware if 3 out of 10 of its shared consumers were ... "absent" .. ;) Try it for yourself. The next time you are up after 0200AM ... take a moment and log in for a few minutes before you go back to bed. Bet you play longer than you thought you would. lol.
guys there is a simple solution for these people. 1 dont give them satifaction. what runs these people is the satifaction of annoying someone. so just keep going in not saying a word to them. 2 if this does happen to you, this is what you do... you press esc, you click the quit button, then when it comes to the character screen, log back on
well some people do it for real life purposes so if they get punished that's not very fair is it i'm sure some of you fled a fight for a real life purpose one time or another :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
It must be a terrible thing to play this game so poorly that malaciously trying to inconvenience others seems ... entertaining.
I was also in Kroc last night and there were a pair of "flee vandals" working the rooms. I fight two, they bring two, flee, without casting a single spell, and I am left with FOUR.
These two tried spoiling three of my fights last night.
NP. My "secondary" school is Life ... and I lost NONE of the fights. There have been times, farming mobs with only a starter deck and no wand for example, where I had to flee and change realms to continue my game.
My children often do not fare as well against these folks.
This is not accidental. They did not get drawn in. Their health and equipment says they are NOT noobs ... it is a flagrant act designed solely for the sabotaging of another's game experience.
Repeated "Fleeing", without casting spells, abandoning one or more players in the combat dias, is certainly a "loggable" event that could be automatically detected ... and supplies grounds for immediate account REMOVAL, imho.
If your behavior requires the attention of KI's limited LABOR force to protect the gaming experience of the community at large, ONCE, for a SINGLE instance, your account should be REMOVED. All labor, treasure, houses, all of your TIME ... lost.
Petition Mr. Lincoln to get it back.
There are 15 million people sharing this resource now.
There isn't enough time, money, or labor to babysit the 20-30% who CHOSE maladaptive behavior over constructive community play. Bag the "time-outs" ... the "you have been a "bad boy", Johnny" e-mails ... and the "because you have misbehaved we are taking your 'chat' toy away for a whole week!" ineffective and laughable "sanctioning" ... REMOVE them.
AFTER we have eliminated 3-5 million game-wrecking vandals, we will not have to "manage behavior". Ever again.
well some people do it for real life purposes so if they get punished that's not very fair is it i'm sure some of you fled a fight for a real life purpose one time or another :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Although there are those who must leave for personal reasons, most of them will try to communicate that with you, even if they have menu chat, they will say they gtg soon.
There many in the game that do deliberately sabatoge the game for others, by joining and fleeing. I have been the victim of that myself.
There really isn't much you can do about it. I would suggest that you find a perfect realm. This is less likely to happen there. I agree with slammer111. Just leave them there or you can stay and not heal them. I have done that as well.
Just a hint it might be an upper lvl wizard taking my advice on the problem of lower lvl wizrds in upper zones. They come into our fights and do the same so i suggested that happen in the lower lvl zones also.
Just a hint it might be an upper lvl wizard taking my advice on the problem of lower lvl wizrds in upper zones. They come into our fights and do the same so i suggested that happen in the lower lvl zones also.
Way to go and keep up the good work,
True "lower-level" wizards are most likely NOT the fight vandals creating the problems in the upper zones ... they do not KNOW enough about game mechanics to GET there without being aided by OTHER upper level wizards ALLOWING them to port up inappropriately.
Most game sabotaging acts committed by a "lower-level" wizard, ANYWHERE, are performed by a legendary or other "upper-level" wizard using a lower-level psuedonym to disguise their identity. Hence, the need to "automate" the detection of maladaptive behavior such that these acts can be IMMEDIATELY stopped, and paid for.
Suggesting to others that the appropriate response to "game sabotage" is "Let's sabotage the games of others." is childish, vindictive, and there is nothing, LMHO, "professional" ... about ANY punitive action that does not punish the people you are trying to target ... in THIS country ... that wuld be the "guilty" ones, not just those with the same "description"
Two wrongs do not make a right.
By indiscriminately sabotaging the games of "lower-levels", based solely on the fact they are "lower-level" - whatever THAT means - without PROOF those specific people HAVE sabotaged YOUR game in the past, is worse than wrong. Coming from an "elder" wizard, playing since 2009 according to this forum's post, is not only worse than wrong, ... it displays a lack of leadership, maturity, and any responsible intention to solve problems fairly, with the community's best interest in mind.
Adding "keep up the good work" to foster further game vandalism upon the innocent only amplifies the need to automate "behavior modification" procedures asap, and wherever we can. If such procedures were already in place, then such malacious advice, and all those who follow it, would be treated accordingly.
Thanks for posting ... You have proven the point better than I ever could.
Weird...I've never been a victim of these vandals. I've been pulled into battles and apologized for it, and did my best to help. There have been a couple times someone gets pulled into my battle and they just stand there, and I can't tell if they are afk, or just waiting it out. That's when you pull out the pacify spells. Or flee yourself. But as far as I can tell, no one has been mean enough to do it deliberately.
Same here. Been playing since beta and frankly I have never run into this problem. Having said that I'll probably get hit the next time I log in.
@Alex321694 I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading your posts. They are well written and insightful. Though I do think you harbor great animosity towards these hooligans (and rightfully so) ;-)