I was in the Hatchery with a friend of mine and we were discussing a possible hatch but he didn't have enough gold and said so. Then another adult says you can buy a pet roach with that amount of gold and starts laughing and making fun of my friend.That hurt our feelings. My question is Why cant people have respect on this game? It's just a game. People need to realize words hurt just as much as someone hitting you and they should be more respectful. It just bothers me and probably alot of other people too.
Man talk about a broad sweeping generalization in your title. I am an adult and I would NEVER treat anyone like that. Most of my friends are adults and would NEVER do that either. What you describe sounds like a kid pretending to be an adult to me.
I am sorry that you were treated poorly. My best advice is forget it and move on. I have had people in game say mean rude things to me. I usually laugh and ignore it. They know nothing about me. I don't put much weight in total strangers meanness.
How do you know it was an adult? It could have been someone your age or maybe a little older. I have also seen plenty of people I knew were kids be rude so it isn't limited to just one group of people. Anyone of any age can be rude, that is an unfortunate part of life.
If anyone does that again, just put them on your ignore list and keep playing the game.
Just wondering how you know the person was an adult. Even if they said they were, given the way they were acting I wouldn't put lying to try to sound superior beyond them. You really should have titled your post "Some People in the Game Have No Repect.", as there are people of all age groups who can be rude. Even if this one particular person is an adult, making a blanket accusation against all adults would be like me saying all kids don't know what they're doing and have no idea how to play the game well. I wouldn't actually say such a thing because it's not true. In the future, you might want to be careful about making universal statements about entire groups of people.
I was in the Hatchery with a friend of mine and we were discussing a possible hatch but he didn't have enough gold and said so. Then another adult says you can buy a pet roach with that amount of gold and starts laughing and making fun of my friend.That hurt our feelings. My question is Why cant people have respect on this game? It's just a game. People need to realize words hurt just as much as someone hitting you and they should be more respectful. It just bothers me and probably alot of other people too.
Did they call you child? Did they use a vocabulary you did not understand? What makes you assume they are adults?
Also, just so you realize this Christie, words only have as much power as YOU give them. If you don't give words any power, words don't mean anything. Words only hurt if you let them. I know you are a child and this is difficult to understand, but think about it. Words are only words, not spells, not stones, and not fists. Words only have the power you let them have!
I think it's a common misconception that higher leveled players must be adults. Not so.
At any rate, don't pay any attention to these players, because attention is exactly what they're looking for by acting this way. Just feel sorry for them and move on.
I am sorry you have had an upsetting experience with another player, but I have to agree with the others posting here. Just because someone says they are an adult, does not make it so.
I have run into this same thing myself and I am an older player. Most of the rudeness and disrespect that I have seen does come from the younger players, but it can come from any age group. None of my friends would be that rude or cruel to any player young or old. We are either parents or grandparents and will help any player that is respectful regardless of age.
The best advice has already been given. JUST IGNORE them. If that person is on your friends list, remove them. If not, you and your friends change realms to get away from that person. They can't follow you and continue trying to make you and your friends feel bad.
As one of the others has already posted, WORDS ARE JUST WORDS and is an unfortunate issue in real life as well. But those words can't do anything to you unless YOU let them.
So try to enjoy the game and have fun. That is why this game is here.
I should have said SOME people have no respect. I apologize for that. And I know you should ignore what other people say. I have met quite a few very Good people on the game and I appreciate it. . It's just a shame how some people are. and I do ignore alot of things said on the game. I want to say Thank You to all players who show respect to others.
To: darthjt, I am a older player. I treat ALL people the way I want to be treated and that is with respect. I don't make smart remarks about or to people.
I just wanted to let people know young and old that words do hurt some people. and yes I know that is the way life is. but maybe they will stop and think next time i don't know.
Like everyone else, Christie, I am sorry you were mistreated. I am responding to place emphasis upon what the others are saying. There are a limited number of people you can ignore with a left-click, there is NO LIMIT to the number of people you can ignore by moving elsewhere ... ;)
The Spiral is a BIG place XD.
And as good as it feels somethimes to take your frustrations to the forum ... do you really think these "rude" people read them? If they do, it is because they are tallying how many times their behavior "got" to somebody ... lol ... and we are making a large assumption they have the ability to read at all ... *snicker.
Move on. Don't even give them the satisfaction of a typed word.
I should have said SOME people have no respect. I apologize for that. And I know you should ignore what other people say. I have met quite a few very Good people on the game and I appreciate it. . It's just a shame how some people are. and I do ignore alot of things said on the game. I want to say Thank You to all players who show respect to others.
To: darthjt, I am a older player. I treat ALL people the way I want to be treated and that is with respect. I don't make smart remarks about or to people.
I just wanted to let people know young and old that words do hurt some people. and yes I know that is the way life is. but maybe they will stop and think next time i don't know.
I was not trying to downplay your post. I just wanted to know why you thought the person downing you was an adult.
I was also trying to pick you up and let you know that a persons words only have power if you give them power. I was not trying to be disrespectful or downgrading in any way. Yes, I have come across mean in my other posts, because way too often people complain about schools in this game, without any facts or without even trying.
I was in the Hatchery with a friend of mine and we were discussing a possible hatch but he didn't have enough gold and said so. Then another adult says you can buy a pet roach with that amount of gold and starts laughing and making fun of my friend.That hurt our feelings. My question is Why cant people have respect on this game? It's just a game. People need to realize words hurt just as much as someone hitting you and they should be more respectful. It just bothers me and probably alot of other people too.
And How in the world did you know that was an adult? Please explain more about what happened.