Lately PvP is making me very frusterated becuase of there ranking system. just yesterday i was a knight and with just 4 losses i am now a corproll almost private. I still have 17 more wins than losses and i am still a corproll. what is up with this??
Yesterday i was in a 2v2 ranked with my friend a legendary balace and we were playing to legendary storms and one of them was a captain. after loseing the game i went to check the captain storms stats and he had 6 more LOSES than wins!!! what is up with that? Can a admisistrator please anwser why he is a captain with 6 more loses than wins and i am a corproll with 17 more wins than loses.
I do have a plan for this though... take out the ranking rating so it only matters how many more wins that you do loses. here is my scale to show you
Private- more loses than wins or up to 2 more wins that loses. corpoll- 3-6 more wins than loses sargent- 7-9 more wins than loses veteran- 9-12 more wins than loses Knight- 13-16 more wins than loses captain 17- 20 more wins than loses commander- 21-32 more wins than loses Warlord- 33 or more wins or higher.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the spelling i know i spelled allot of things wrong :P.
Dylan Death level 48( he has the ranking problem!) Blaze fire level 60 Blaze storm level 44 wolf mythstalker level 11 (commander)
Lately PvP is making me very frusterated becuase of there ranking system. just yesterday i was a knight and with just 4 losses i am now a corproll almost private. I still have 17 more wins than losses and i am still a corproll. what is up with this??
Yesterday i was in a 2v2 ranked with my friend a legendary balace and we were playing to legendary storms and one of them was a captain. after loseing the game i went to check the captain storms stats and he had 6 more LOSES than wins!!! what is up with that? Can a admisistrator please anwser why he is a captain with 6 more loses than wins and i am a corproll with 17 more wins than loses.
I do have a plan for this though... take out the ranking rating so it only matters how many more wins that you do loses. here is my scale to show you
Private- more loses than wins or up to 2 more wins that loses. corpoll- 3-6 more wins than loses sargent- 7-9 more wins than loses veteran- 9-12 more wins than loses Knight- 13-16 more wins than loses captain 17- 20 more wins than loses commander- 21-32 more wins than loses Warlord- 33 or more wins or higher.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the spelling i know i spelled alot of things wrong :P.
Dylan Death level 47( he has the ranking problem!) Blaze fire level 60 Blaze storm level 44 wolf mythstalker level 11 (commander)
The PvP system needs tweaking... But not to the extreme you speak of...
Every match loss should give at least 3-5 rank won and at most 27 rank loss... This way, the win/loss actually means something. Because nowadays, people rank down and they are level 50 private that gives 0 rank when you beat them and they take 30+ rank away when they beat you. That's why some people lose rank fast.
Just implement the minimum loss and maximum win system and it will virtually solve all PvP ranking issues.
PS: 35 more wins than loss? My level 5 can get that in one day, that's too easy.
Percentage win and loss is more reasonable... 75% win to loss ratio (3:1) should be Warlord... 70% ratio would be Commander, etc... etc... Minimum of 100 matches (so we won't have 1-0 Warlords running around).
Um, it also depends who are you facing and how much rate you win/lose per battle.
1v1 - If your facing someone with higher rating than yourself, then you gains are higher than your losses. Likewise if your facing someone with lower rating than yourself, your gains are smaller than your losses.
Teams - I honestly can't say whether i am correct about this or not, but what i think is:
If your facing a team with an 'Average' rating higher than your teams 'Average' rating, then the gains are obviously bigger than losses. Likewise if their average is less than your teams average rating, losses bigger than gains.
So technically even if you lose matches, it is possible to regain more than lost through yours wins.
Like if you lost 10 rating in one match, the next match you win 20 rating. Then even if you lost a match, you still gained 10 rate by winning another match. Or if you lost Two matches that cost you 10 rate each, a win of 20 rate or higher makes up for that or more.
Luke Skywalker Legendary Necromancer
Although this is off-topic, i'd just like to add in a short note that i just got warlord today :D I just feel so happy o.o