Taunting takes away the opponent's attention on your other teammates and directs it to yourself.
So, if you and your minion are facing a monster and your minion uses taunt, the monster's attention (which was on you) will be placed on your minion. It doesn't work 100% of the time, though.
What does taunting do? My minotaur minion always does it...
Rachel RavenTalon Lvl 38 Myth
taunting is a spell that only works on NPC's, it makes enemies target the user of the taunt spell more often than other people (like you and your minotaur for an example, your minotaur will get hit more often after it uses taunt instead of the enemies hitting you.)
If I recall correctly, it makes the monster want to attack the taunter - in this case, your minion - much more than before. So, basically, it's used to pull aggro away from squishy wizard onto tough minion! :D (Or, another wizard could use it as well - say, an Ice wizard, who has much more defense.)
it is an attempt for your minion to get the monsters to attack it, instead of you. I think it has a chance of failing. After my minion taunts the monsters usually attack me for one more round (since i guess they chose their target and spell prior to the taunt) but then they switch to their minion. I have noticed that if I do a lot of damage without killing some monster it will often switch back to me. So there is some sort of 'aggro' meter that determines what the target of monsters will be just like in most rpg games and damage is some sort of factor. I dont know the mathematical details of what effect taunt has but as long as you dont do more than about 1/3 the monster's life in damage in one round they seem to keep attacking the minion.
Taunting takes away the opponent's attention on your other teammates and directs it to yourself.
So, if you and your minion are facing a monster and your minion uses taunt, the monster's attention (which was on you) will be placed on your minion. It doesn't work 100% of the time, though.
this makes my soooo excited plus im a level 24 so i have some hard quest and im having to start over and over in a duegen so im a death student so in works for me :P :P :)