look i know death people have earned the spell beguile, i have a death character as well, but i feel that it should be only allowed a certain amount of times in pvp . its unfair when the deathguy on the other team continuously uses beguile and you lose rank cause you killed your team. i am looking for people who agree with me here... :? thank you, keira nightrider-lvl 60 death keira nightrider- lvl 60 storm keira nightrider lvl 52 life
well i think that stormlord should not be allowed in PvP because it hits to hard and stuns me oh and tree of life should not be allowed because it heals and puts asorb on everyone LOL.
give it a rest to many PvPers already killed good spells (like bolt) in the game,what are we going to do in PvP stand around and look at each other and be scared to cast any spell in fear that some crying PvPers will get it taken away from us,"oh no I better not cast firecat they may not like it and take it from me,oh no iam scared"
Give it a rest,next time take a death dispell.Oh thanks for the ideal think ill load up on them and use tons of them myself LOL
Michael RedBlood death lev 60 private balance lev 60 knight stroam lev 60 warlord life lev 60 sergent death (again) lev 60 private fire lev 60 commander
>.< I like the way Kingslisle has things working. No spell has different rules from the other, and any spell can be used for anything. I've played enough games to know why Wizard101 is so popular- For kids, it's the fact that the game needs to be a bit simpler to understand. For adults, it's the fact that it's fun to play a non head ache-inducing game. If that gets changed, Wizard101 will become too complicated.
I don't know how but when i asked my death friend to try Beguile on my in my Fantasy Palace in the PvP ring, he Beguiled and i used Forest Lord- I ended up seeing it hurting HIM (not me!) and I saw what spell he was going to use when i was picking Forest Lord. Is that supposed to happen?
UGH! i HATE how people think that since a school other than your own shouldn't have any good spells. People complained about wild bolt, myth earthquake chain stunning, and many others. Just because that spell is good and is not in your school doesnt mean it should be taken out of the game. Give me a break!
UGH! i HATE how people think that since a school other than your own shouldn't have any good spells. People complained about wild bolt, myth earthquake chain stunning, and many others. Just because that spell is good and is not in your school doesnt mean it should be taken out of the game. Give me a break!
first off if you will notice i have a death char so dont say i am discriminating cause i dont have that spell because i do have it i didnt say get rid of it but i said if they use it over and over repeatedly instead of just attacking?
So you got KI to change wildbolt and earthquake and now you are going after beguille.
Give me a break!
I didnt get them to change anything i am just saying when a death student only uses it and doesnt attack just beguile after beguile i think it should be limited in pvp thats all and this is coming from someone who has a death char