Hi my mount has been deleted along with my character i had it equipped but did not put it in my bank my "proud lion" mount i had on my life character dissapeared when i deleted him may i ask you to bring back that character if you could (i bought that mount with gold and was very hard to get i would appreaciate it back) thanks in advance
Hi my mount has been deleted along with my character i had it equipped but did not put it in my bank my "proud lion" mount i had on my life character dissapeared when i deleted him may i ask you to bring back that character if you could (i bought that mount with gold and was very hard to get i would appreaciate it back) thanks in advance
Send in a plea to Mr. Lincoln, in the past they have sometimes been able to save a character due to a player mistake...
This is not the place to ask for it. You need to send in a ticket to Support.
Here is the quote from a staff post here in the forums:
-- Characters that have been deleted in the last 30 days can be restored, but you must make a request to Mr Lincoln through email at support@wizard101.com
When you contact Mr Lincoln for a character restore, please include the following information in your email. 1. Account name 2. Character name to be restored. 3. School of Focus of character to be restored. 4. Approximate level of character to be restored (if you recall)
You must have space for a Wizard to be placed - if you have 6 characters now, we will NOT be able to restore a deleted Wizard.