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Dec 10, 2010
Ever sence the most recent updaate to the game i have had more and more fizzles. This is making me very upset becasue i cannot defeat enemys and i die more often. I have also noticed that any monsters has a handfull of fire elves and the balance spell where it makes you have 25% less damage. I have noticed that every monster that i have encounterd has used both of these spells and it dosent matter what their dominate school is. please fix this or i will get very upset and possiby end up quitting this game. Please attend to this.
Flint bearcloud lvl 37 myth
*thanks to all who have anything to say about this*

Jun 04, 2010
blake25410 wrote:
Ever sence the most recent updaate to the game i have had more and more fizzles. This is making me very upset becasue i cannot defeat enemys and i die more often. I have also noticed that any monsters has a handfull of fire elves and the balance spell where it makes you have 25% less damage. I have noticed that every monster that i have encounterd has used both of these spells and it dosent matter what their dominate school is. please fix this or i will get very upset and possiby end up quitting this game. Please attend to this.
Flint bearcloud lvl 37 myth
*thanks to all who have anything to say about this*

Hey blake. You are likely just having a bad run of luck. My best suggestion is to go do something else and try it again tomorrow.

May 20, 2010
Fire Elf or Heckhound are stock spells for most enemies from Marleybone on. So is Weakness. Not that many should have Black Mantle.

As for the fizzles, you're just having a run of bad luck. If you chart 100 spells, not counting any that trigger Black Mantle placed on you, and you hit 50 or less, send in a ticket to Support.

Mar 20, 2010
I noticed the other day that my low level life wizard who just got the pixie heal over time that it fizzled 3 out of every 4 times I used it!

I have also noticed that the fire elf/storm elf spells/ice elf are used a LOT! I often have two of them on me at once! Even if I get rid of the bad guy, his spell lasts on! I would understand it was part of the game, but the percentage of times it happens is really HIGH! I'm left with other bad guy, trying to heal so I can get him and I can't keep up with the over time spell left from first guy. Like I am still be attached by two guys!

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
blake25410 wrote:
Ever sence the most recent updaate to the game i have had more and more fizzles. This is making me very upset becasue i cannot defeat enemys and i die more often. I have also noticed that any monsters has a handfull of fire elves and the balance spell where it makes you have 25% less damage. I have noticed that every monster that i have encounterd has used both of these spells and it dosent matter what their dominate school is. please fix this or i will get very upset and possiby end up quitting this game. Please attend to this.
Flint bearcloud lvl 37 myth
*thanks to all who have anything to say about this*

Sounds like you have moved to the end of MB or the beginning of MS from the increase in the use of weakness. Yeah, they overuse that spell in MB-MS-DS but they use other tricks in CL. As to the fizzle, my guess is that if you do the stats on the casting percentage vs spells cast over a reasonable amounts of castings, you'd see that the fizzle rate hasn't changed, but, and this is a big BUT, you may be in one of those periods where for a low number of castings, say, a group of 100, that may be on the fizzle side...but this will balance out with those time periods when you fizzle less.